Solved Norton Protected Recycle Bin equivalent for Windows 7?


Austin TX metro area
Long ago I used Norton Protected Recycle Bin [from Norton Utilities] for earlier Windows.
Is there a free or pay-for product for Windows 7 that will act as NPRB acted?
NPRB was resident, "extended" the regular Windows recycle bin -- deleted folders and/or file stayed and stayed and stayed until either finally overwritten or emptied from NPRB. Yes, this is eightforum -- however, many many techs here also run Windows 7 :)
Unfortunately, Norton does not have such a thing with any of their software any more.
Rather then relying on a protected recycle bin you would be better off making backups of your data. With good backups the facilities of the normal recycle bin are quite sufficient and you will have much better protection. If the drive fails you will need the backups, and drives do fail, often without warning or apparent cause. Better protection than a recycle bin could ever provide.
Was unable to connect w/GChrome a few days, now back on...
solved! Norton Protected Recycle Bin replaced :) [title]
I installed Network Recycle Bin Tool, which "extends" the normal recycle bin [even if cleared] by copying files into a designated protected area. What happened is that I cleared Windows Recycle Bin without looking in it 2-3 hours before I realized that I had accidentally deleted Security installs folder on my Ddrive. NRBT simply copies files into its bin until I clear them, or, until room runs out, then oldest gets ousted first