Newest Windows 8.1 Update Causing Black Screen on Startup


New Member
Hello, so this morning I got the latest update for my windows 8.1 machine, and now it is getting a black screen during startup. It does the acer startup screen with the logo, and then proceeds to get stuck on a black screen. I can get into the recovery menu but when I tried to enter safe mode, it got hung up trying to log in (infinitely loading). I have also already tried refreshing, and a hard reset. Please help!
I had no end of issues with update kb3000850 if I recall correctly. this morning I spent the best part of two hours on and off trying to clear up this mess.

so I had avast av installed which as it turns out this update causes havock with avast and the machine simply won't shut down at all!

got logged in, removed problem windows update and rebooted. machine then hung on configuring so opted to force shut down and run system restore to get around the update and get rid but that also hung..

to top it off I then got stuck in an hp auto repair lock up as it would go to a black screen..

finally powered down removed laptop battery and held down power button down with no power connected. powered up clean boot and after a small delay it logged in. removed avast and even the two prior updates for windows too for good measure.. I have hidden the above mentioned kb update and have no plans to install it.

now all is running beautifully and it turns out av comes pre installed in 8.1 in MSE aka Defender.

its funny Apple messed up their iPhone update and get slaughtered yet MS release this dross of an update and barely get any mention.. pathetic!