New Norton 360 Public Beta Free Version

So, Ken, you are telling us Norton is malware? :think:

BTW, Ken and Jan, I didn't need the English lesson, I am well aware of what constitutes malware and I don't think Norton falls in that class as you have alleged.

Originally Posted by zigzag3143 ... Not "all" software causes BSOD's and the vast majority of Norton users do not. BUT it is one of the most frequent malware apps to cause them. ...
noun Computers.
Software intended to damage a computer, computer system, or computer network, or to take partial control over its operation:
I bet most people will have no problems with Norton. I know so many with it installed or had it installed with no issues other than another av suiting them better. I do not see the point in not using Norton just because it may cause a BSOD. All software does. If you post on the Norton forums, they will investigate the problem. I do not advise installing this beta, though. After all, it is beta software!
Welcome to our Forum anitac. While we welcome your comments... If / when Norton causes a BSOD on any persons computer they would be best advised to seek help here. We have some well respected BSOD experts without peer!
Looking at a few threads at SevenForums, it seems the response is usually to uninstall Norton, where as at the Norton forums, I think the underlying problem would be investigated and fixed.
Your anecdotal experiences will vary. Not "all" software causes BSOD's and the vast majority of Norton users do not. BUT it is one of the most frequent malware apps to cause them. After more than 10,000+ analysis' of BSOD's it isnt a leap to say it can cause them on some systems. I merely pointed out that those having BSOD's might want to try something else.
Is it also one of the most installed malware apps? Since it comes preinstalled (I think) on many systems it would be understandable to see it more often causing a BSOD.

Unfortunately, someone who suffers a BSOD may be already past the 60-day money back period so rather than ditching Norton for something else they will probably want Norton to fix the underlying problem.
I bet most people will have no problems with Norton. I know so many with it installed or had it installed with no issues other than another av suiting them better. I do not see the point in not using Norton just because it may cause a BSOD. All software does. If you post on the Norton forums, they will investigate the problem. I do not advise installing this beta, though. After all, it is beta software!
Welcome to our Forum anitac. While we welcome your comments... If / when Norton causes a BSOD on any persons computer they would be best advised to seek help here. We have some well respected BSOD experts without peer!
Looking at a few threads at SevenForums, it seems the response is usually to uninstall Norton, where as at the Norton forums, I think the underlying problem would be investigated and fixed.
Your anecdotal experiences will vary. Not "all" software causes BSOD's and the vast majority of Norton users do not. BUT it is one of the most frequent malware apps to cause them. After more than 10,000+ analysis' of BSOD's it isnt a leap to say it can cause them on some systems. I merely pointed out that those having BSOD's might want to try something else.
Is it also one of the most installed malware apps? Since it comes preinstalled (I think) on many systems it would be understandable to see it more often causing a BSOD.

Unfortunately, someone who suffers a BSOD may be already past the 60-day money back period so rather than ditching Norton for something else they will probably want Norton to fix the underlying problem.

From my observation people with BSOD's seek advice to enable them to return their computer to a working condition asap.
In most cases hanging on to the installed AV that contributed to their problem is irrelevant.

Jan & Ken.
I am using Microsoft Internet Essentials with stock(but set up) firewall and Windows Defender
using win 64 beta build 8102, works perfect (so far,for me).
*check post at customization section
Norton 360 bloatware? Gimme a break! WHAT bloat would you rather have? Virus, Trojans, Adware? Those would be REALLY
bloaty wouldn't they? *LoL* Norton has corrected what your perception of bloat is, back with Norton 360 v5, the new version 6 beta
is ultra slimline. It will basically work as Windows 8 does, with a complete revamp and it's own tiles. As well Norton will be releasing
a new beta update when Microsoft Win 8 public beta shows up, with a link in Windows 8 beta to download and install it with W8 beta. I know people. ALL those FREE anti-virus software available WHY go with a paid for version? Old saying here, YOU get what you PAY for! Windows Defender is free, why are you downloading and installing AVG, or Avast for? You already have Windows Defender <g> </===Sarcasm in case you missed it! LoL
Norton will be releasing a new beta update when Microsoft Win 8 public beta shows up, with a link in Windows 8 beta to download and install it with W8 beta.

Please supply your source{s} to back up your considered opinion / statement.
I still don't get where all this Anit-Norton ideology continues to exist. I'm running Norton on my whole family's computers(5 pc's total) all win7 from 32bit to 64bit. Even my Win8 beta 64 is running norton without issues.
LMAO easy enough (Looks to make sure no eightforum admin is looking <g>) just go over to
Norton Community - Norton Community I'm actually curious as to if it will have a tiled look as well. Not
that, that will be a deal breaker, but really curious.

*EDIT* Too cool found another link too online that will confirm this : Windows 8 Early Engagement for Antivirus Makers - Softpedia *SLAMMING*

According to both Softpedia article and Norton forums there is not going to be a "link" to "download" any anti-virus but rather an invite to very selective anti virus makers to:

Part of the Windows 8 testing process will be an Early Engagement event reserved for antivirus makers.

This event is by invitation only. It is open to a limited number of ISVs selected by Microsoft to help verify compatibility of third-party Anti-virus filter drivers with the next version of Windows. Before proceeding to complete this registration form, please note the following:

“Your company must receive an invitation email from Microsoft before completing this registration form

It does appear that the Early Engagement Anti-Virus Filter Event will be extremely exclusive.

(Loosen collar) Ummm, errr, like I have always been invited, and hadn't even thought about that till you JUST referenced it. (Norton Beta Tester since NDD) As well as seeing WE are (for the most part) going to be doing the beta testing of Windows 8 beta (When released) so it makes sense that we will also have the opportunity to test this in conjunction with the beta for Windows 8. Again

Are you asking if I would use that product?
No, I was asking if Norton was still bloat-ware (you seemed knowledgeable on the subject)...

This is version 6 of Norton 360. If you want to know if it is bloat ware, it is NOT! If you look at AVG's retail security package
you will see it has a HUGE footprint compared to Norton 360. Also remember Norton is working with Microsoft to give a very
trim lined security package when Windows 8 is released to the retail outlets.
Also remember Norton is working with Microsoft to give a very
trim lined security package when Windows 8 is released to the retail outlets.

Called targeted Advertising / Marketing...
Any thinking person will do their own research, evaluate & make up their own mind about which product they will use.