So i just chagned from gtx 660 to 980 and its working pretty good, i get alot better fps but there is this flickering i get sometimes on my screen.
Like every 1-5 minutes there is a flicker on both my screens but not at the same time, it doesnt matter if im in a game or not. It just randomly flickers for like half a second and my fps goes down for that moment alot.
asus R9 270X directCu II flickering - YouTube
Even though its not exactly how it looks on mine but suepr similar i found this video of a guy with same problem
Any help or tip is appreciated
GeFOrcce GTX 980
Driver version 384.76
i5-3570K 3.40GHz
8gb ram
Like every 1-5 minutes there is a flicker on both my screens but not at the same time, it doesnt matter if im in a game or not. It just randomly flickers for like half a second and my fps goes down for that moment alot.
asus R9 270X directCu II flickering - YouTube
Even though its not exactly how it looks on mine but suepr similar i found this video of a guy with same problem
Any help or tip is appreciated
GeFOrcce GTX 980
Driver version 384.76
i5-3570K 3.40GHz
8gb ram