Need to REcover Format external 4TB DRive!


Totally screwed up and selected the wrong external usb hard drive a 4 terabyte!! I started to format with Disk management and then pulled the usb cable 2 seconds into the format! need extra help..

don't want to double post so putting link here:

Could anyone please chime in and recommendations? I am trying the first option right now.. but ofcourse open to any others..

can't believe i just did this! ha
That 2 seconds was probably long enough to erase the partition table, so as far as Windows is concerned, the drive is now blank.

But, that's really not the case as the files and folders are most likely all still there.

If you want to recovery the partition, try using the Minitool Partition Wizard and see if it can Recover the partitions.
Just tried to format the USB external, and unplug in couple seconds. Just 2-3 seconds, when I plug again, can't find any files on browsers, and when I use Partition Master to check the partition size, it just shows me 104.27MB used - lost all files on USB. So what you need to recover files with data recovery software, not recover partitions.
Just tried to format the USB external, and unplug in couple seconds. Just 2-3 seconds, when I plug again, can't find any files on browsers, and when I use Partition Master to check the partition size, it just shows me 104.27MB used - lost all files on USB. So what you need to recover files with data recovery software, not recover partitions.

AMEN to that my friend.. i'm in the process right now.. but it's literally taking 2 days and i'm at 50%..

i went even further by being stupid and starting to try testdisk to fix this.. and i re-wrote the boot sector to mbr.. that probably screwed this up even more.. but meanwhile recuva is still getting all my files! (about testdisk.. i did create a backup of the original GPT boot partition sector before i ran it.. so after recuva gets all my files.. i'll recover those.. then try to restore the gpt from testdisk i made and re run the stupid partition wizard.. and if no go there again just run recuva again to see if any files are missing.. ) this will definitely take 5 days..
