Need replacement Network HD


As per my last post i am going to buy a new home network storage device - trouble is they have changed since i bought the last one and doesnt seem as simple - i have no idea what i am looking for :oops: - so i am therefor more lost than lord lucan =
Can anyone give me some advice and what the best NAS (i think thats right 😕)

SO any help appreciated
A lot of modern Routers will allow you to attach a Hard Disk in a USB case which is a simple solution and If you have the hard disk available it's a low cost solution, cases are around the £20 range for a tool less unit. If you need to buy the hard disk that will add a larger cost.

With the actual Network Attached Storage proper, costs will increase again but they are more usefull devices, allowing you to access externally from your network and stream media on PC, Laptops, and Phones, you can also run apps on the NAD to perform automatic Backups etc

I have one of these TerraMaster F2-210 2-bay NAS Quad Core Raid Enclosure Media Server Personal Cloud Storage (Diskless) : Computers & Accessories
which houses a pair of 3TB drives I had hanging around
I have been looking at them they get good reviews - does it matter what HD`s you put in them?
As with anything that you will likely come to rely on, and of course your data - Photos, music., games etc - are your most important assets, so I would suggest you get the best you can afford, there are a range of prices and there are also specifically designed hard disks for heavy use which are best left for business use.

It's often the case that with more than one person using the NAS it will get heavier use than you would see with a drive in a PC used by one person, but personally I have found that for home use any of the known manufacturer's drives will be up to the task
Yeah its just me that uses it - for PC, laptop and ipad to access (ipad backs up its photos ony) I play my music from it using the laptop - thats really about it
It will work fine with a single disk and you can then add a second when you are ready. If you fit 2 drives at the start you can set them up as a single drive using the RAID option built in which can be useful for management. This can be done later of course but can be a little more complex to do when you have data on the drive