Need a map to the location of Start Screen photos.


New Member
Can someone please provide me a mapped location of where those photos are? I put some photos there that I don't want there, and I don't want anyone else to stumble upon them, I need to delete them forever! Can you help? Thank you!
Hello Mikey, and welcome to Eight Forums. :)

The tutorial below can help show you how to turn off shuffle photos on the Photos tile.

:ar: Photos Tile - Set Images to Display in Windows 8.1

If you just wanted to clear them to reset what shows on the tile, then:

:ar: Apps - Clear Personal Info from Live Tiles in Windows 8

THANK YOU Brink. I haven't tried it yet. I was used to previous Windows versions where you could navigate to AppData, Low/Roaming, temp, etc etc and find temp image files. I don't seem to be able to navigate Win 8 in the same way. (I'm a Win 8 noob obviously).
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