Multiple random BSOD even after fresh install windows 8


New Member
I need help to my laptop here using Windows 8 64bit. I got multiple BSOD even after I reinstall Windows. I've already try Windows 8.1 and 8 still got many BSOD. I also run chkdsk to all of my drive no error and memtest86+ to each of my RAM no error found.

My laptop spec is Dell Inspiron 3421
Intel Core i3 2365m
Intel HD graphics 3000
RAM 2x 2GB (4GB)

This is my dmp files.
View attachment 66228

please help me solve my BSOD problem, I already tried reinstall windows several times, reinstall drivers, test hard drive and RAM, still no success getting rid of BSOD. Your help is very appreciated..
Hi davidcanon,

You are running a counterfeit installation of Windows 8.
This is against the rules.

What Windows version was pre-installed on your laptop?
You need to reset your system to the factory settings or clean install Windows.

Troubleshooting a counterfeit installation is useless as it is not known what has been modified to your system.
A counterfeit installation contains heavily modified code which causes the system to behave in unexpected ways.
For this reason, analyzing counterfeit systems is unreliable and most analysts won't try it.

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4) No piracy or discussion of piracy allowed at all. Such as software, music, videos and other intellectual property violations (e.g. downloading youtube videos locally etc).