Microsoft: Windows 8 will not be your idea

Perhaps some of you are still bathing in the pride you felt when Microsoft accepted your ideas for Windows 7. Several of you seem, indeed, to have appeared in the company's advertising (played, perhaps, by slightly more photogenic humans).

However, I may have some bad news for you with respect to Windows 8. It seems as if the company might not care so much about receiving your ideas this time.

At least that is the impression gained by former IT Manager Chris Carlucci from Hopedale, Mass. when he approached Microsoft with an idea for Windows 8. I won't give too much away about his suggestion, save to say he thought that one small part of the operating system might be made easier for the average human being to operate.

The e-mail he received in reply from a Microsoft Customer Service Representative called Alex might make some question the nature of, um, communication as we know it.
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Shame. It'd be great to see what ideas the public make again, I don't want microsoft to turn into google or apple!
In 35 years of operating system development I have never seen a developer that really cared about customer requirements. The marketing people went thru great length collecting those requirements, condensed them in nicely bound requirements books, handed them to the developers who disposed of it.

In fairness though it should be said that the "customer requirements" were usually from yesteryears world and that the developers were far ahead of that.