Um, no. It might be free NOW, but it won't stay that way.
I guess only time will tell. But right now today it is free, so use it freely. And if it's not free, there are alternatives like Google docs which are free. I honestly don't see Microsoft not providing these applications going forward for free, if their competitors do, MS is going to follow suit or lose users.
I insist on my software being on MY machine.
Nothing wrong with that. It is your choice. I'm a bit different in that I like to keep my machines as clean as possible. I only try to install what I absolutely must have...anything else is usually played with or evaluated on a virtual machine. Therefore, I have very little need for ongoing maintenance, reg cleaners, uninstallers, etc. If I occasionally need to make a spreadsheet or open one, I'd love not having to load Office (or pay for it), or load OpenOffice, but instead just use the online copy.
I'll pay for software ONCE, I will NOT pay every time I want to use it.
Again, it's a personal choice. I too would prefer to pay once, and only once. But considering the overall cost of something like Office and new versions every few could actually come out cheaper to not buy it outright. It all depends upon the user. And you can continue to buy Office, you just won't be able to get Office Starter Edition (whatever that is..I know of nobody who actually has it, or has used it).
Nor is having to have an internet connection to use software acceptable.
Yeah, this is a hard one for lots of people. At my house, my internet is as reliable as my electricity. I rely on my Internet for Netflix, for HBO-GO, my online games, my telephone service, etc. This darn connection is nearly as valuable as my plumbing.
Still, I have office 2010, which will do me for the foreseeable future. And
there's always Open Office.......
Yes, having alternatives that are freely available is great. And that is what I like about having Office available online free of charge. I get the real deal, I don't have to install anything and it's 100% free (right now and for the forseeable future).
I used to use and recommend OpenOffice to everybody who wanted Microsoft Office and didn't want to pay for it. Now, I can recommend that they use Office for free online.