Okay, first of all, to get the obvious things out of the way: 1. Sorry for bumping a kinda old thread 2. I'm new to the forums, hello everyone, nice to meet you all!
Now, on to the reason for the post: I used Butters’ batch file thing to get Microsoft Anna installed on my Windows 8 Toshiba Laptop, but I still can't get her to work on some programs and apps and such. I'm a bit of an update Luddite, I tend to prefer older, (at least to me) more familiar and reliable versions of programs whenever possible.
So, I know this might be kind of an esoteric and maybe not all that commonly-known question, but; I'm running the narration program Free NaturalReader 9.6. Yes, it's from 2011, and yes, I'm running it on Windows 8. Now, Microsoft Anna successfully installed onto my machine, and she shows up as an option in the dropdown menu to choose your voice in Free NaturalReader 9.6, but she doesn't actually work; that is to say, the text readback just sits there on whatever you had highlighted whenever Anna's selected as your voice, but she doesn't actually read anything.
All the default Windows 8 voices work just fine in NaturalReader. I don't know how familiar anyone is with this particular piece of software, but, can anyone come up with anything that might help me figure out how to get it to accept Anna's voice? By the way, she works just fine on the same version of the same program running on my old Windows 7 Dell Laptop.