Microsoft Account - Change Email Address in Windows 8

How to Change Email Address of Your Microsoft Account in Windows 8 and 8.1

information   Information
Microsoft account lets you use a single account for many email addresses. Each of these email addresses is called an alias.

An alias is an additional email address that uses the same inbox, contact list, and account settings as the primary alias. You can sign in to your Microsoft account with any alias—they all use the same password. You can send email from an alias whether you’re using, a mail app like Outlook or devices such as a phone.

Your Microsoft account's primary alias appears on Microsoft devices, such as the Windows 8 PC, Xbox, or phone. While you can change your primary alias, the best option for most people is to simply add a new alias.

For Aliases FAQs, see:

This tutorial will show you how to change or update the "primary alias" email address of your Microsoft account in Windows 8, Windows RT, Windows 8.1, and Windows RT 8.1.

Note   Note
When you change (rename) to a new primary alias email address for your Microsoft account, you don't lose your old alias and you keep all of your data - such as your inbox, profile information, and contacts. The email address of the old primary alias will still be listed as an alias for your Microsoft account, but just no longer the primary alias. You can still use the old primary alias email address to sign in and send and receive mail.

It will take an hour or more for the email rename to be finalized. You will receive an email notification to the alternate email address in your Microsoft Account profile to notify you that the change has occurred.

It might take up to 48 hours for your new primary alias email address to appear across all devices and services. Also, some of your friends might appear offline until they sign out and sign back in.

Here's How:

1. Do either step 2, 3, or 4 below for what method you would like to use.

2. To Go Directly to Your Microsoft Account Settings Online from any Computer
A) Click/tap on the link below to sign in to your Microsoft "Account summary" page, and go to step 5 below.​

3. Use "PC Settings" while Signed in to Your Microsoft Account in Windows 8
NOTE: This step is for Windows 8 and Windows RT editions.
A) Open PC settings, click/tap on Users on the left side, click/tap on the More account settings online link at the top of the right side, and go to step 5 below. (see screenshot below)​

4. Use "PC Settings" while Signed in to Your Microsoft Account in Windows 8.1
NOTE: This step is for Windows 8.1 and Windows RT 8.1 editions.
A) Open PC settings, and click/tap on Accounts on the left side. (see screenshot below)​
B) Click/tap on Your account on the right side, click/tap on the More account settings online link at the top of the right side, and go to step 5 below. (see screenshot below)​

5. If this PC or device is not a trusted device, then you will be prompted to enter and submit a security code sent to your phone or alternate email address. (see screenshots below)

6. In Internet Explorer, or your default web browser, click/tap on the Add or change aliases link under Account aliases. (see screenshot below)

7. Click/tap on Rename under your (primary alias). (see screenshot below)

Note   Note
You will not be able to use any email addresses that are currently added as an alias for your Microsoft account listed under "Account aliases" in the screenshot below.

If you wish to make one of your current aliases the primary alias, then you will need to remove it as an alias first, then use step 11 or 12 below to add it as your primary alias.


8. Click/tap on Yes, rename my primary alias. (see screenshot below)

9. Sign in to your Microsoft account with your new email address and password. You can close the web browser when finished. (see screenshot below)

10. Do step 11 or 12 below for what you would like to do.

11. To Create a New Email Address to Use as your Primary Alias
A) Select (dot) Create a new email address as your primary alias. (see screenshot below)​
B) Select if you want a new,, or address.​
C) Type in a name you want, click/tap on Rename primary alias, and go to step 13 below.​

12. To Use an Existing Email Address as your Primary Alias
NOTE: You can use any existing valid email address (ex: gmail, live, outlook, etc...) of yours that you like.
A) Select (dot) Use an existing email address as your primary alias, type in the email address you want to use, and click/tap on Rename primary alias. (see screenshot below)​

B) Check your email. You will receive an email notification to your alternate email address in your Microsoft Account profile to notify you that the change has occurred. You do not need to do anything unless it's not correct. (see screenshot below)​
C) Go to step 13 below.​

13. Click/tap on OK. (see screenshot below)

14. Switch to a local account using the user name it gives you.

15. Switch to a Microsoft account using your new primary alias email address from step 11 or 12 above.

That's it,



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Hello Philnz,

You would only need to add the new email address, and make it your primary alias. You don't have to remove the old email address unless you don't want it as an alias for the Microsoft account.

Hope this helps, :)

I searched through forums for a post but I couldn't find anything about what I need, I guess this might be good place to ask what I needed to know.

Anyway, I have registered Microsoft account with quite old email which is no longer used (I do not have access to it anymore) and I had created second MA with the email I'm using mostly, however I didn't try to change my email on my old MA account before creating second one. I requested second account to be closed few months ago in hope that my email I use mostly will be freed up so I can use it on that old MA account. To my misfortune, it can not be reused, whenever I try to add my email to old MA account to replace old email I can no longer access, I get message that email (alias) I'm trying to add is already taken even though I had it deleted.

Can I contact anyone to have my primary alias on my Microsoft account changed to the one I had used in different (now closed) Microsoft account. I do not want to create yet another email account that I could use.

Thanks in advance.

I apologize for not stating this in my earlier post, I forgot to mention that this is about online account on, the reason I do not wish to close that account is because I have tied account on it and I assume if I close that old account that I'd lose my current gamertag. I accidentally used my new email for new account, and now I can't add it on that old Microsoft account, I tried contacting support on a while ago and they said that they can't do anything about MA. Since then I've been trying to find a way to contact support that can help me with adding alias to online MA but I can't find it anywhere, so I had to try and post my issue here in hope to get some help with it or at least be pointed in right direction to get help with my issue.
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I'm not sure that you would be able to add an email address of another Microsoft account as an alias to another Microsoft account. :(
I'm not sure that you would be able to add an email address of another Microsoft account as an alias to another Microsoft account. :(

Even though that other account with email I wanted to use is deleted? I got confirmation email that said account was closed, so I though I can reuse email.

Can I try contacting someone that might be able to change it, if so who should I contact? Also If there is a way I'd like to keep phone calls as "not desired" option since I'm outside US.
I'm sorry, another information I forgot to mention is that the new account I created with the email I want to add to the old one is gmail. I've read that the topic you linked but it doesn't mention that email we used will not be available anymore after the MA is closed at least for email address that is not from Microsoft. I hope this bit of information changes my possible choices.
If you close the new Microsoft account with the gmail address and remove the account on your PCs, then you might be able to add the gmail address as an alias to the old Microsoft account (if still available).
Unfortunately, it shows me "This email address is already taken. Please try another.", the email should be free, since quite a while passed after account created with that email was closed. Though if I try and recover lost password for that email, it gives me a message "This Microsoft account is incorrect. Please try again.".

I'm kinda out of ideas. I'd really like to change the email address on that account to the new email I'm using but I can't do it in any way I tried.
I'm afraid that I don't know what else that may work as an alias except a new email address. :(
Ok well I was hoping that there would be a way, is there anywhere I can contact support maybe? At least that could help me with Microsoft account?