Making a printer 'default' in Windows 8.1


New Member
Hello again

Thanks to this forum over last two weeks I have now set up my new laptop - but there are just two further poinst I need help with.

1. When I went to print a PDF yesterday I had a problem as my HP5520 attached printer did not show! It only showed as an email printer? However when I clicked on 'more' below this it appeared and I was able to print my document.

The problem is that when I went back in next time I had to do the same. Can I somehow make this the default printer as I use to in Windows 7 then it would appear at the top of the list in future when I press Cntl/P?

2. On my previous Win7 laptop I was able to see all my programs in a list thru 'start' inc accessories and tools such as clean up and defrag. Try as I might I cannot sem to find this list anymore.

Thanks everyone
Maybe try---


tools such as clean up and defrag



A simple test I did was with Notepad---

Thanks for that and for replying so fast.

Found the app for administration - but went into devices and printers and my printer already had a green tick against it as default but when I try to print a doc I have to go to more and the printer then shows - but cannot get it to show in the printer list without this