Most bash Norton and hate them lately, i have had luck with using it i guess, it keeps me protected and good detection ratings. Basic statistics you want are how well it will protect you, performance and compatibilities to rest of your system. YW
I too have had very good success with Norton IS. I have been running a Norton AV product on various machines for over10 years with excellent results. Especially over the lase 2-3 years the product has become much less resource heavy. The current version I don't find much difference in resource utilization when compared to many of the other popular products. If you disable the maintenance functions which you don't need and stuff like Idle Time Optimizer and Monthly Report and others you can reduce resource utilization even further. Best thing I can say is that I have never been hit with a virus or malware using Norton and I surf the net rather recklessly at times nor has it ever interfered with a windows update or other software installation. I also have Malwarebytes and scan regularly but it have never come up with anything so I guess that's another + for Norton.
gator2013, those are some good tips.
It didn't dawn on me to disable some of the maintenance functions, as well as other stuff. By me disabling these things, I should be able to greatly reduce Norton's resource utilization on my machine.
I don't have anyone outside of this forum, that I could have asked about this. Most if not all of the people I know are asking me these kind of questions.
I'm grateful that you guys responded so quickly like you have and offered some real knowledgeable suggestions to my question/issue.
My original thoughts about wanting to remove Norton, have been drastically altered for the better.
It wasn't broke to begin with, yet I wanted to fix it anyway. What I needed to do was right in front of me.
I couldn't see the forest for the trees...
The best thing about all this, is that I got Norton for free from my internet provider.