List of free Windows Store Apps recommended by our users


Old geek, new tricks
Team Member
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Pro User
A Finnish ex-pat in Leipzig, Germany
information   Information
Beginning of 2013 there was about 40,000 apps ready to be downloaded at the Windows Store. The Store grows rapidly, faster than other similar stores for other platforms.

Not all Windows Apps cost money. In fact a great number of games and apps is available for free, ready to be installed. This is a collection of Windows Store Apps the users of the Eight Forums have tested and used and want to recommend.

The idea is to give you a short description, only a few words for you to get the idea what the app does. If you are interested you also get a direct link to app at Windows Store where you can get more information before deciding if you want to install the app or not. Notice that as Windows Store URL protocol is not recognized by our forum software you need to copy the link manually and paste it to IE10 addressbar (protocol ms-windows-store is only recognized by IE10, it does not work on other browsers).

If you have found an app you would like to share with us, reply to this thread giving the app name, short description and enough details for us to find it in Store. Remember that the app should be free, no test or paid for version.

Have fun!

Tip   Tip
You need to copy the full Store Path for the app, paste it to IE10 and hit Enter to open app presentation and installation page on Store. Notice that because of forum software word wrapping the link might be divided on two rows. You need to copy and paste it as one continuous link. To make this easier I have highlighted the part you need to copy with dark red.

Also the Windows Run command recognizes Store protocol so you can paste the link on Run and click OK.

Of course you can simply open Store and search, links here are only to make it easier to find a certain app.

Computing & Technology

  • Next at Microsoft
    • What’s happening at Microsoft, News and Rumours.
    • Windows Store Link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=WaggenerEdstromWorldwide.NextatMicrosoft_s9k1r4pbfrmwm
  • Tom’s Hardware
    • Hardware news, articles and test.
    • Windows Store Link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=BestofmediaGroup.TomsHardware_vsk5ceyf850a0
  • What’s IP
    • Network information & statistics. IP and status on live tile.
    • Windows Store Link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=15366S2Apps.WhatsIP_tn84d0wv8w9kr
  • Windows 8 Developers News
    • As the name says, news for Windows 8 developers.
    • Windows Store Link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=12363DavideBordignon.Windows8DevelopersNews_er2rp3rf9aj5m


  • Film OnLine
    • Stream movies to your Windows 8 device.
    • Windows Store Link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=7CA4725A.FilmOnLine_b5f09vrmjk866
  • FilmOn Live TV
    • Watch tens of free TV channels, including most of free OTA channels from UK. SD quality free, HD quality and recording a small monthly fee.
    • Windows Store Link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=FilmOnLiveTVFree.FilmOnLiveTVFree_zx03kxexxb716
  • TuneIn Radio
    • Listen hundreds of radio stations around the world.
    • Windows Store Link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=TuneIn.TuneInRadio_6bhtb546zcxnj

Food & Drink

  • Beerology
    • All about beer ;).
    • Windows Store Link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=SkylineTechnologies.Beerology_1.4.102.6_ 9jd0qzjh5qghg
  • Cocktail Flow
    • An interesting new approach to the world of coctails.
    • Windows Store Link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=08C8076A.CocktailFlow_gyyqpbm0tqk6g
  • My Wine List
    • Interested in oenology, the science of wines?
    • Windows Store Link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=TheMGroup.MyWineLists_xm001nz2j6w0e
  • Scotch
    • Rate your whiskies, keep log, read about distilleries. (This is the first app I install on every rig ;).)
    • Windows Store Link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=53476Lodus.Scotch_j02017ny210vj


  • Backgammon Gold
    • Nicely done Backgammon.
    • Windows Store Link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=mobiventionGmbH.BackgammonGoldFREE_m1mjrb5ek7e8a
  • Jetpack Joyride
    • A fun Mario-like jumping game.
    • Windows Store Link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=HalfbrickStudiosPtyLtd.JetpackJoyride_w77bc8x1h5kya
  • Taptiles
    • A 3D mah-jong.
    • Windows Store Link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=Microsoft.Taptiles_8wekyb3d8bbwe


  • BBC World News
    • World news from BBC London.
    • Windows Store Link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=DynamicApps.WorldNewsBBC_c0tf94fvcdq8y
  • CNN
    • CNN International News.
    • Windows Store Link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=588E6FFA.CNNAppforWindows_cs8eyncph15zy
  • World News – Science & Technology
    • Science and Tech news around the world.
    • Windows Store Link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=1992FMarchal.WorldNews-ScienceandTechnology_zhj2v3wnrqbvy


  • Advanced Password Creator
    • Create and organize random passwords.
    • Windows Store Link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=64303DMSoftware.AdvancedPasswordCreator_2pww15d9777hc
  • Password Supervisor
    • Powerful tool to keep track of your passwords and credentials.
    • Windows Store Link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=41879VbfnetApps.PasswordSupervisor_7casf8sqhfy78


  • DropBox
    • ​Official DropBox app for Windows 8
    • ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=C27EB4BA.Dropbox_xbfy0k16fey96
  • Google
    • Put Google Search on your Start screen.
    • Windows Store Link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=GoogleInc.GoogleSearch_yfg5n0ztvskxp
  • PC Monitor
    • Control and command PCs over the network or Internet.
    • Windows Store link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=MMSOFTDesign.PCMonitor_bk1j3yfmf52h8
  • TeamViewer
    • Remote desktop and assistance, easy to use and completely free for private use.
    • Windows Store Link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=TeamViewer.TeamViewer_89446h4zmeyyt


  • Facebook Lite+
    • For you FB fans.
    • Windows Store Link: ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=WinApp8.FacebookLite_7ghkqyqnax1ep

Please post your favourite Windows Apps, I will add them to the list. Also if you have other ideas for this list like better categorizing or something else, let me know!

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After completing my favorite list above, I found PC Monitor from MMSOFT Design.

  • Remotely monitor and manage your IT infrastructure using this securely encrypted app that gives you total control of your critical servers and applications from anywhere, anytime.
  • PC Monitor is free for non-commercial use and you can monitor up to 5 computers or applications with no subscription payment required and no time limitation.
  • All computer resources, network performance, IIS, Exchange, Active Directory and Hyper-V - just to name a few.
  • Run tasks, execute commands in a terminal, manage running processes and services, check and apply updates, restart, shut down and wake your computers.
  • Monitor the status and uptime of all computers
  • Monitor the current CPU usage and available memory
  • Monitor and start/stop/pause/restart services

The user interface is clear, straight to the point, no unnecessary clutter. Here me playing with it, checking my wife's laptop over the network:


An ideal tool for family IT guys. I like it. Added to the list.

Notice please, this post is useless for you if you are just intrested in finding and using some practical windows Apps. If you are a nerd like me, you might be interested in what the App repository is and how it works. In that case you might find this post worth to red, otherwise just jump to next post.

How to get those store app addresses?
Method 1:
  • Log in to built-in Administrator account
  • Open C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository in Explorer.
  • Copy the name of the app you want to, for example using context menu > Rename let's you select and copy the name:
  • Paste the name to notepad, remove the part highlighted with red (version information), leave the parts highlighted with blue (name before version information followed by one underscore, app ID after it):
  • This is what you should have after editing:
  • To make a Windows Store Link we need protocol information too. For Windows Store the protocol is ms-windows-store:PDP?PFN=
  • To get Windows Store Link add protocol just before link on IE10 address bar and hit Enter to open Store on app install page:

Method 2:

  • Open elevated Command Prompt ​on a normal administrative user account
  • Give this command:
    dir C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository >C:\Users\Your_Username\Desktop\Apprepository.txt
  • It creates a text file Apprepository.txt on your desktop. Right click the file and select Edit to open it in Notepad.
  • Here's the beginning of my repository file:
     Directory of C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository
    04/02/2013  23:20    <DIR>          .
    04/02/2013  23:20    <DIR>          ..
    04/02/2013  09:21             4,588 08938A66.ForecaWeather_1.0.0.5_neutral__ehkm8sa10hy4e.xml
    04/02/2013  09:22             2,509 08C8076A.CocktailFlow_1.0.2.0_neutral__gyyqpbm0tqk6g.xml
    [COLOR=#b22222]04/02/2013  09:20             2,425 [/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]12363DavideBordignon.Windows8DevelopersNews_[/COLOR][COLOR=#b22222][/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]er2rp3rf9aj5m[/COLOR][COLOR=#b22222].xml[/COLOR]
    (Scroll down the list)
  • Using the Windows 8 Developer News app as an example, check that row above to see which parts of the text row are needed for the link (blue)
  • Now create the link as in Method 1:

That's it. As far as I know these links only work on IE10.

I am sure it is possible to find those names for the links easier but as I have just started to familiarize me with repository that will do for now.

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Hi there
thanks for the link - but I'm always s bit sceptical of these types of "Stores".

Most of the apps can be found and installed via Google - which IMO is possibly a better way. Browsing a Store will probably cause a lot of people to download so many "apps" to their machines most of which they will never use - that I pity anybody who has to tidy up their computer afterwards.

If you Want something it's generally better to look for that specific item - or similar products. Just browsing an ENTIRE store can be a real mess.

Just look at some peoples smart phones these days -- hundreds and hundreds of apps so if you want something simple like email you have to swipe through a whole load of screens.

Not trying to decry your efforts - but I'm sure you get what I'm trying to say here.

(Tunein is probably one of the VERY few apps I've installed on my android phone plus a music player which handles FLAC and plays by folder - I've installed NOTHING from the store on my laptop).

dont understand why it seems to be so hard to find the apps

why cant i simply open the store and search for them?

i noticed the two steps in this thread
but havent tried them... just seems complicated and not worth it to get some apps....
dont understand why it seems to be so hard to find the apps

why cant i simply open the store and search for them?

i noticed the two steps in this thread
but havent tried them... just seems complicated and not worth it to get some apps....
Of course you can go to Store and find your apps. If you find an interesting app on the list you can go to Store and search for it. The links are there only to make it easier: copy the link, paste on IE10 and it takes you directly to app page.

But, as I mentioned, you do not need to use the links. Search the store.

The two methods I described on a later post are only out of personal interest. Someone who wants to learn more about how the Store and App repository work might find it interesting, but really it is just geek stuff, nothing useful for a normal user.

How to get those store app addresses?
I am sure it is possible to find those names for the links easier but as I have just started to familiarize me with repository that will do for now.
A much easier way:

Press Win + R to open Run dialog, type PowerShell and click OK. On PowerShell interface type Get-AppxPackage and hit Enter to get a more friendly list:


This shows installed Windows Apps for the current user. To get installed apps for all users, you need to open PowerShell elevated. Command is Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers.

Confirmed: Works on Firefox.
View attachment 16115

This doesn't happen for me; instead, I get abruptly thrown off the desktop and into the Windows store app any time I get anywhere near one of those funny URLs. At least when Apple wants to do this, Firefox shows a similar dialog, asking essentially whether I really I want to fire up iTunes, and giving me an opportunity to decline, but Microsoft apparently doesn't - at least, not on any of the Win8 machines I have access to. Sorry, Microsoft, but when I'm browsing, I generally want to do it in a browser - and I'd prefer to stay out of the Windows store except when I'm actually downloading an app. In reading the source code for these obnoxious pages, I can see the special "ms-windows-store:" URLs, but I can't find any easy way to configure these machines regarding how and whether to react to these URLs. There apparently is a registry entry for this...

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ProtocolExecute\ms-windows-store]

...but I don't have permission to edit it, and can't figure out how to get it - and furthermore, even if I do find a way to edit this setting, I'm not all that sure that it's really going to do what I think it's intended to do. Can someone more knowledgeable clue me in?
In view of the interest in the thread, it obviously has a deal of use. I have probably missed the connection ( very possible!), but I seems like a sledgehammer to crack a nut? - But that's just me!
I do the same as Jimbo, which seems a logical way.
But the store can be so narrowed down in 8.1, that it is probably coming down to almost the same thing. Select your option (Entertainment?), right click the store window and select your next option from the top, "Top Free", for example, and you are narrowed down to the categories you want to examine.