Latest Windows Essentials Version Released

Thanks Brink!

I got notification of a new version available when I ran MovieMaker and imported a video. After upgrading I can see that MovieMaker is a lot better. Before when I imported recorded TV shows from media center it would get corrupted when I tried to edit them and now that is working perfect. It does a format conversion now before allowing me to edit recorded TV that takes a while. Once the conversion is done it runs fast.
Thanks for the info got an auto update when I ran Live Mail that's all I use from essentials apart from One Drive which I didn't think was part of essentials.
New Windows Essentials 2012 16.4.3528.0331 version released. See first post for more details. :)
I am disappointed that there's no .MOD files support in this and I have to convert the files to .WMV to edit :cry: