KB2919355 destroyed network acces to nas


New Member
I installed the update for 8.1 (X64)
but after the update i could not acces my diskstation.
Pinging went fine.
accessing trough the webpage went fine.

but trying to access it with the explorer did not work.
Not even when i tried it with the IP adress.

After a system restore (before the update) everything works fine again.
what settings are altered with the update?
and why are settings altered in the first place.

and no! And i emphasize, I will not use sky drive!
It has been known to cause failures. Uninstall it, and do not let it install again.
It has been known to cause failures. Uninstall it, and do not let it install again.

Are you talking about 8 in general ;)
Or just the 8.1.1

I don't mind a bug every now and then.
But MS is still plugging the major BUG aka metro instead of fixing what they started with 7

I played around with the update and there is nothing worth downloading it for.
Just ignore the metro and this update!
But it seams to be a mandatory update.

so what now? waiting for ?
8.1.1 update problem WSUS

apparently MS have pulled 8.1.1, for WSUS, BIG bug, see update to 8.1.1 update section

My install went fine.
and my windowsupdate keeps reporting it.

how can this update process bug be bestroying my communication with the DS213+ ?
It has been known to cause failures. Uninstall it, and do not let it install again.

Are you talking about 8 in general ;)
Or just the 8.1.1

I don't mind a bug every now and then.
But MS is still plugging the major BUG aka metro instead of fixing what they started with 7

I played around with the update and there is nothing worth downloading it for.
Just ignore the metro and this update!
But it seams to be a mandatory update.

so what now? waiting for ?
The KB you posted. If I had stated anything about 8.1 or 8.1 update 1. I would have stated so in my post.
apparently MS have pulled 8.1.1, for WSUS, BIG bug, see update to 8.1.1 update section

Do not know what you are talking about. 8.1 Update 1 is still available through Microsoft/Windows Update. Updated my son's laptop at 4:30 this afternoon. Everything went smooth.
SMB is used for talking to Linux machines. But with the new direction that MS is heading. They may be using SMB to talk between Windows 8 & Windows Server 2012. Especially since they used Samba for Storage Spaces.
my nas is a linux machine.
Synology diskstation.

I don't think windows based NASses do even excist
WHS & Windows Server can be used for a NAS. All NAS for Enterprise & home, will be based on a Linux distro that has been modified by the manufacturer of the NAS Appliance.
I just checked my NAS and the unit showed up under Other Devices, but was not accessible for files.

I noticed the yellow warning was on asking if I wanted to turn on Network Discovery and file sharing, which I did. After that, the device was listed and available.