Is Windows 10 good to upgrade to?
I have been offered the free update to Win10.
I would emphatically say NO! At This Time. I would recommend you wait possibly 6 months or so to allow time for more of the major W-10 upgrades to be implemented.
I had W-10 on one of my PC's for a full 30 days and reverted back to 8.1 and I will be following the advice I give you before I go any further.
1. Check with your PC manufacturer and/or their product Forums as to compatibility with your specific model and common issues with your brand/model.
2. Read the W-10 Forums and check out the problems many have experienced. This list is quite extensive and the problems/issues are quite diverse.
3. Whenever you do decide to upgrade to W-10, you better have a full backup image to fall back on should things go bad unless of course you are not very dependent on your device and are prepared to complete restore to factory state and you should have that capability on hand anyway. If you do not have such backup available I would STOP!
4. Make sure you fully understand the implications of little or no control of updates in W-10 as well as the increase in MS Data Mining present with W-10 depending on how some defaults are set.
5. Edge, the new built-in Browser does not yet have all the capabilities present in other Browsers.
Just because one or even a million users have upgraded without problems does not mean you are assured a trouble free experience as many will attest to. Read the Forums and you must decide but remember, this Free conversion period is still in it's early stages and you have plenty of time.
In addition, your specs indicate you are still on 8.0 and not 8.1, if this is the case I think you need to be on 8.1 do the upgrade to W-10 but I may be mistaken. If you decide to push forward, hope for the best but plan for the worst.