Intel WiUSB driver Not working properly?


Intel® WiUSB USB-IFxHCI USB Host Controller driver is not working properly as there is the yellow hazard(or whatever)sign in device management...,how do i get this driver ?my laptop is a dell inspiron 15r?
From a post on the Lenovo forum about this exact problem:
Had the same problem,you need to go to the Intel web site and in the search box type in ' Intel driver update Utility " then take you to that page,has a button to push to scan your computer and searches it to see what updates you need,and it should find the it,that update is called "Wireless Display Software'
Great advice, worked perfectly, although had to find the right Intel site where the search actually turned up the Driver Update Utility Page instead of a long list of items related to that search term. Once found, also, just click on the 'continue button', don't go to the dropdown to isolate product. Then will need to allow download of a tool that will allow the utility to do its job, and then all is laid out for your computer. Clicked on the Wireless Display Software, downloaded and worked perfectly.
Thank you very much I have the same problem I went directly to the solution.
Para los que no entienden ingles acá les describo la solución. Vayan al buscador de Google y pongan "Intel", entre todos los link que les van a aparecer busquen el que dice dentro de esta pagina aparecen varias sugerncias, hagan clik en: "Intel® Driver Update Utility", allí le dan clik al botón que dice "check your sistems for updates" comienza el escaneo de la PC y te solicita que instales un programa para poder detectar el los drivers o el programa que necesita una actualización, le das si a la solicitud de permiso. Una vez realizado el escaneo te aparece un listado, dentro de ese listado desplegas el ítem "Wireless Display Sofware" ahí le te pide para guardar o instalar, le das clik a instalar y listo. Espero les haya sido útil.