Installing Win 8.1 Pro on Lenovo B590 with FreeDOS


Hi Everyone,

I have a Lenovo B590 Laptop with FreeDOS preinstalled.

I have Windows 8.1 Professional Full Version on DVD.

With the Firmware configured as follows, will installing Windows automatically format the Hard Disk Drive with a GPT (GUID Partition Table) and remove the FreeDOS which I don't need?

Firmware Configuration (UEFI)
UEFI/Legacy Boot: UEFI Only
CSM: Disabled
Boot Mode: Diagnostics (Deactivates Quick mode)
Secure Boot: Disabled

After I have installed Windows I also want to install Linux Mint 16 so that I can Dual Boot between the 2 Operating Systems.

Should I install any Windows Programs before I install Linux or should I wait until after Linux is installed?

Thank you, Michael.
Hi Michael,

Best of luck with your Windows 8.1 installation; however, since I don't see the B590 on Lenovo's upgradable list, be prepared for some issues and hope for the best. Also, their Win 8.1 driver selection is quite limited for your model so you may have to go elsewhere for some of those as well:

Windows 8.1 Tested System List

You are in good hands with thoeg in the loop!

Hi Theo and my2cents,

I'm almost set to give this a whirl (go).

A couple of questions.

I've seen various postings/tutorials suggesting a larger size, than 100MB, for the EFI System Partition. Is that something that can be adjusted during the installation process?

With 8GB of RAM, what Fixed Size would you recommend for the Swap (Paging) file?

Thanks, Michael.
Hi mtbvfr,

Personally, I would not attempt to size anything during the installation and I would not worry about sizing anything else at this time either. Generally, Win 8.1 does just fine at default settings in those areas. So, if you are ready to get started, then just go for it and lets see what happens. However, if you installation hangs at every restart and you end up with certain things not working right off the bat, that could be a clear sign that your rig is, in fact, not capable of running Win 8.1 without an installation modification. I'm hoping that is not the case with yours; however, I had to do a tricky workaround install on my Lenovo B575 to get it working.

Good luck and let us know how you make out.

Hi there.

Install Windows First -- then Linux Mint. The Linux Mint GRUB bootloader will add Windows to the boot menu.

BTW instead of dual booting have you thought about using Virtual Machines -- unless you specifically need to access the specialized hardware - such as intensive gaming Virtual machines will do almost anything you need -- they've come a LONG LONG way in the last few years.

I'm posting this from a Windows 8.1 VM running on a Host Linux Mint system which was booted totally from an EXTERNAL SSD -- not using the laptops installed OS or HDD at all. Response time on my VM is actually QUICKER than Native windows on the laptop -- I'm going to remove the laptops HDD and replace it with an SSD - makes a HUGE difference.

Dual booting isn't really necessary any more -- modern hardware is very suited to running Virtual Machines at almost Native speed.

Just got up :sleepy: :) guys.

One more thing before I start.

I want to document everything as I go in case it is helpful to others; how can I capture and save screen prints during the installation process?

@Jimbo, something to consider down the line possibly once I have sufficient experieince with Linux. Would I be able to use SQL Server and Visual Studio.Net within a VM as you suggest?

Thanks, Michael.