Installed 8.1 on 2015 Win 10 laptop

Well they're not bad but I wouldn't call them great. I personally like Kaspersky Total Security and a good physical firewall but to each their own.
No thanks. I have no antivirus software installed on my installation of Windows. I don't have any form of security on my computer. Even my web-browsers are kinda out-dated 😂
Also, Windows 8.1's defender is good, using it on my tablet (my opinion).
Meh, some folks like to live dangerously. As I stated before, Defender isn't bad but I wouldn't call it great. One redeeming factor in Windows 10 is that it does have good av protection. Not sure what Win 11 is like. I have it on my laptop but I rarely use my laptop and not really a fan of tablets. Of course, if you have nothing to lose you don't need to use any security at all. I have an old Dell PC that I use for experimental purposes: Totally bogus email, bogus identity, bogus Windows account. I don't make online purchases with it and there is no crtical data on it. I use it to check out dubious web sites and bogus emails. I sometimes use it to play around with bogus scammers when I'm bored. :) I still hide behind a firewall when i use it.
Oh, good. So then at least you're running with a 64 bit o/s. You can use VM ware w 16 GB of system memory if you have a half decent CPU surely. But then it depends on what you're using it for. Yes, I know I'm repeating myself.
Oh, good. So then at least you're running with a 64 bit o/s. You can use VM ware w 16 GB of system memory if you have a half decent CPU surely. But then it depends on what you're using it for. Yes, I know I'm repeating myself.
My CPU is kinda crappy. Have to upgrade 😂