Installed 8.1 on 2015 Win 10 laptop

Very reasonable decision. In a few words, you confirmed why people, whose PCs are Win10-compatible, intentionally decide to keep 8.1 as long as possible.
Only 29 months of support left. Shame that Microsoft is so obsessed with features that it neglects quality and reliability. Windows 8.1 does not cause its users to be filled with dread as each Patch Tuesday approaches.
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For anyone that liked the UI of Windows 7 or even XP, the install of the "Classic Shell" in Windows 8.1 is a must.
That just makes 8.1 so much more "User Friendly".
I never install 8.1 without installing the Classic Shell.

Little known fact: A HD or SSD, once set up with Win 8.1, can be moved to another PC or laptop, and it will set itself up just like doing a clean install. All the drivers for the new location will be installed during the first boot, which may take several minutes. I've done this multiple times, and it works great.
In fear and trepidation, I took a hard drive with 8.1 on it out of one PC, running an AMD cpu, and put it in another PC running an Intel cpu, and 8.1, like a mother bird, she made her nest and took off and ran like a champ. Maybe not the perfect analogy, but hey.....IT WORKED!

The OS I'm running now, on this little HP SFF Mini, is a clone of Win-8.1 on my Main (full tower) PC. And, it's running GREAT! And, the hardware is totally different. My restart time is only 20 seconds.
The only commonality it that both PC's use an AMD CPU. Other than that, they're like cats and dogs.

Cheers Mates!
TechnoMage :cool:

TM :cool:
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For anyone that liked the UI of Windows 7 or even XP, the install of the "Classic Shell" in Windows 8.1 is a must.
That just makes 8.1 so much more "User Friendly".
I never install 8.1 without installing the Classic Shell.

Little known fact: A HD or SSD, once set up with Win 8.1, can be moved to another PC or laptop, and it will set itself up just like doing a clean install. All the drivers for the new location will be installed during the first boot, which may take several minutes. I've done this multiple times, and it works great.

The OS I'm running now, is a clone of Win-8.1 on my Main PC. And, it's running GREAT! My restart time is only 20 seconds.

Cheers Mates!
Happy Columbus Day!

TM :cool:
I absolutely agree. a start menu makes things so much easier and accessible. I find it humorous how my daughters differ in tastes however. One insists on using it and the other insists they don't need it. Windows 8.1 is on nearly all our computers except the newest ones as it is no longer compatible with those two, unfortunately.
The system board isn't compatible. For example I installed Win 8.1 on my HERO and kept getting warning messages from Microsoft stating that the o/s was not compatible to the build and insisted that I upgrade to Windows 10.


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The system board isn't compatible. For example I installed Win 8.1 on my HERO and kept getting warning messages from Microsoft stating that the o/s was not compatible to the build and insisted that I upgrade to Windows 10.
Ah that doesn't really matter. Just don't update your system or you can use "wufuc" to bypass those messages
Ah that doesn't really matter. Just don't update your system or you can use "wufuc" to bypass those messages

Aw c'mon. I was the one who kept wrestling with the hangs, the freezes, and all the rest of the b.s. that goes with using a non-compliant o/s. Doesn't matter? If I have to wufuc everything every time I get a message and my o/s hangs I have a better solution: LINUX. Which is precisely what I did and got Win 10 installed at a later date, legitimately, and practically for free. (Of course I had to do some major surgery on the o/s as I don't much care for Windoze "keylogger" edition and I really don't use a lot of that "call home" telemetry. Oh, and the "just don't update" approach is the basic reason why so many Windows users are eligble for the Darwin award. Or let me guess, you're joking.
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Well, okay then. I apologize if I came off a bit rude there but essentially failure to do updates with Windows is generally tantamount to shooting yourself in the foot. But there's grace for this as often enough, staying on top of Windoze updates is tantamount to shooting yourself in the other foot. :::shrugs::: It's a gamble every time. What can I say? Mind, on the Hero system board it automatically starts screaming at you that you're using the wrong o/s before you even update so it's a moot point. LINUX isn't without its problems either. There's just no perfect o/s, which is probably why I use 4 different operating systems on a regular basis. The thing about failing to do Windows updates is that eventually it will come around and bite you in the hinder parts should you ever attempt to do any at a later time. It's only a matter of time.
lol It's your choice. Lots of fun as it's always a gamble. ;)

Have you ever noticed how every time Microsoft comes out with a new o/s updates on older operating systems seem to fail more frequently? Just an observation.
:D I would imagine there would be a few old wizards here who would be clucking their tongues at this, but I think it's funny. You should run disc cleanup on that and see how many more you could dispose of. Or, you could try upgrading it to Win 10 for the potential experience of a lifetime. What could possibly go wrong?
Or, you could try upgrading it to Win 10 for the potential experience of a lifetime.
You should run disc cleanup on that and see how many more you could dispose of
Maybe 😂

I just find system updating unnecessary, that's why i don't update. Everything works fine. No errors, no problems. "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"
It could be argued that if you have good security already running on your system most updates would be optional. BUT since many third party programs are contingent on those updates it might still be a good idea to update. In any case I'd make sure my o/s was backed up well and a complete drive image in cold storage would also be handy in the event of a critical crash. What you do with your PC can largely determine how essential Windows updates will be. Personally, I err on the side of caution and keep my o/s updated.