Solved Illuminate skin issues...


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The Illuminate skin has a couple of issues. The site logo is too small, and the customise switch does nothing, and has an unrecognised character to its left. Same issues in Edge and Firefox.


The other skins all have a normal sized logo....

The Illuminate skin has a couple of issues. The site logo is too small, and the customize switch does nothing, and has an unrecognized character to its left. Same issues in Edge and Firefox.
Yes I too always liked and used the Illuminate skin, but exactly like Bree reported I noticed a few weeks ago too it was now all messed up.

I just switched to the Default skin now and is good enough.
Thanks John, but please don't spend any time on this because of anything I said in reply, actually I'm fine with it at Default skin is more than good enough for my use; it's fine, honestly. Anyway I just posted to Bree to say that I noticed it too, that's all, and truth is actually I was just relieved to find and see that Illuminated being squashed was not related to anything on my browser end. I'm staying @ Default
New, "Base" skin added with light and dark modes - that should do until I get some time to sort the skin out properly.
Thanks John....
Thanks John, but please don't spend any time on this because of anything I said in reply, actually I'm fine with it at Default skin is more than good enough for my use; it's fine, honestly. Anyway I just posted to Bree to say that I noticed it too, that's all....
The only reason I was trying Illuminate was that it was the only one where I could customise it to fill the width of my maximised browser. The 'Base' skin has the 'Fluid width' option, so I'll be using the Base skin from now on. Don't waste too much time tweaking it, it is good enough for my purposes as it is.
The only reason I was trying Illuminate was that it was the only one where I could customize it to fill the width of my maximized browser.
Yes exactly right Bree, and was a main part of my reason too, another part was because I liked how the this Top Header of the Eight Forum was always stationary, like this previous screenshot I have saved of it:
<click image for full size>

...and so when you scrolled up on threads, this header was always there stationary and visible, and the scroll up on threads went 'Underneath' this stationary header. It was just something that worked out for me when making screenshots I could always include this header - along with whatever I positioned under it.
LoL, it was just a little thing I liked about it all, besides the fact of the fluid width fit my needs by allowing more text information inside of width - which yes the Base does allow for that too, but the color scheme selections are not the same, and the Default is perfect in that regard, and so for me Default wins out even though I lose the extra fluid width <shrug>
Also the fact that when you are not logged in to this forum, as most people out there see it, it's automatically in Default mode, and so that with the other thing mentioned tips my choice to now choose Default.
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