We have always thought that all users have a right to express their opinion on any of Microsoft's Operating systems, Good or Bad is irrelevant. as long as the comments are Civil to others without unsuitable language.
Personally I did not use Windows 8 for a long time, though this was a more a result of it coming between two major OS issues from Microsoft, It was set to replace Windows 7 with a new style and eventually be replaced by Windows 10, the future windows for all .... It was different but then again when you started in an era that preceded MS-DOS, a lot of different Operating systems have come and gone, some used for many years some for a much shorter period, In my opinion all have added something to the "Mix"
Some options that are now taken for granted were seen in Operating Systems that are now forgotten but their one unique item is something that we could not be without
A forum is a place to discuss things, to agree or not, to put a point of view, and listen to that of others and that is the way we will continue to run Eightforums and our other forums