I Love Windows 8/8.1

Used Win 7 and liked it. Upgraded to Win 8 and liked it. Upgraded that to Win 10 and like it. Can't stand to use computers with 8 or 7 on them anymore.
I was skeptical when 8 came out, but I learned to love it.
Windows 10 makes me feel like I am working on a rainy day.
I hated 8 and avoided it like the plague. The GUI was just too strange and different to get used too. I stuck with Windows 7 for as long as possible. For the minority that took to it, like you, they love it. Unfortunately not enough could cope with W8 for MS to continue with it.

I jumped from W7 to W10 and now, with the benefit of hindsight, can cope with W8.1 (I have it in a VM). Still don't like it much though.

You can enjoy your W8.1 for quite some time to come, it is in support until January 10, 2023.
We have always thought that all users have a right to express their opinion on any of Microsoft's Operating systems, Good or Bad is irrelevant. as long as the comments are Civil to others without unsuitable language.

Personally I did not use Windows 8 for a long time, though this was a more a result of it coming between two major OS issues from Microsoft, It was set to replace Windows 7 with a new style and eventually be replaced by Windows 10, the future windows for all .... It was different but then again when you started in an era that preceded MS-DOS, a lot of different Operating systems have come and gone, some used for many years some for a much shorter period, In my opinion all have added something to the "Mix"

Some options that are now taken for granted were seen in Operating Systems that are now forgotten but their one unique item is something that we could not be without

A forum is a place to discuss things, to agree or not, to put a point of view, and listen to that of others and that is the way we will continue to run Eightforums and our other forums
I have my desktop setup as dual-boot win8.1/win10, both are 64bit. Win8.1Pro 64bit is my primary OS. Win10, I'll boot into it from time to time to allow it to update. Both OS's, I installed Classic Shell.
Over at Ten Forums, I have to say though many were sensitive to when I brought up any negative commentary about Windows 10. That should not have been the case either. Mind you, I love Windows 8
Windows 7 is the best Windows as it had the best design and the best user experience.

Also Windows 10 unlike previous version is Software as a Service (SaaS), so the features change and update or get removed every 6 months. I expect people to prefer aspects of previous versions of Windows 10, whilst being on the newest Windows 10.
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I expect people to prefer aspects of previous versions of Windows 10, whilst being on the newest Windows 10.
I use XP, W7 and W8.1 as VMs, plus a couple of physical machines on W7, the rest of my machines are running W10. No there are few if any aspects of previous version of W10 that I'd want to go back to. Generally each new version has been an improvement over the previous one.

Some notable additions along the way include the ability to create and use multiple partitions on a USB flash drive, and Ransomware Protection to prevent malware from encrypting files in your user folders.

No, I wouldn't want to go back to Windows 10 as first released five years ago. Looking back at it now it feels half finished, some rough edges and functions missing.