How to reinstate WinMail onto Windows 8/10/11

Just a shout out to the well organized reinstallation procedure in this forum. Recently set up a new Windows 10 computer and getting Winmail running was a snap. It took a couple days to copy over the Winmail folder from Appdata from the other computer and a couple hours digging up and changing passwords, but when all was completed, it is running like a champ.

It's good to hear of your success BridgeHead, and thanks for the reply!

When following the Backup & Restore 1, 2, 3, Procedure and when making a zip/rar backup of the %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail folder to distribute it, it should take no more than a few minutes at the most even for the largest copy of stores. And of course for the passwords, one should just have them pre-saved already in a text file somewhere safe, makes for an easy copy/paste into that account tab(s). The entire Backup or Restore process should just take 10 minutes or less.

Anyway, I'm glad you're back up and running.

I myself still swap my entire WinMail setup from one computer and/or different OS to another quite often. Actually I just did it this morning because I needed to restore my OS partition back to last month using backup partition imaging for that, but of course I wanted to keep all my current email store since then, so I simply did the WinMail Backup Procedure 1, 2, 3, of current, and then restored my OS partition, and then did the WinMail Restore 1, 2, 3 Procedure on it to bring that month old OS image restored - back up to WinMail current time frame.
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@endeavor bro i have a strange problem. I installed thunderbird for oeprational test for company. And i uninstalled it. And after then "SendTo/MailRecpient" option says "there is no default mail program". I can use WinMail properly in every way, but when i goto "Default Programs" section. There is no option to see "Windows Mail" there... How can i set it as default like it used to... ?
I installed thunderbird for oeprational test for company. And i uninstalled it. And after then "SendTo/MailRecpient" option says "there is no default mail program". I can use WinMail properly in every way, but when i goto "Default Programs" section. There is no option to see "Windows Mail" there... How can i set it as default like it used to... ?

You will need to reverse whatever Thunderbird did when it took over your defaults, which most likely are just registry entries.
Hopefully it will be easy for you, it depends on your knowledge of the few various restore ways to do it.
First place to start though, is to look back at Post #2 on this thread again, and open the first few spoilers there where I show some screenshots of things to do: re: How to set WinMail as the Default Mail Client, etc. (I'm not sure if you'll also need to do Step 14 first though, it depends)
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You will need to reverse whatever Thunderbird did when it took over your defaults, which most likely are just registry entries.
Hopefully it will be easy for you, it depends on your knowledge of the few various restore ways to do it.
First place to start though, is to look back at Post #2 on this thread again, and open the first few spoilers there where I show some screenshots of things to do: re: How to set WinMail as the Default Mail Client, etc. (I'm not sure if you'll also need to do Step 14 first though, it depends)
i tested and re-applied some steps. Also i checked every registry entries (from my other w10 thinkpad) and tried to do same in this notebook (msi-katana) but nothing changed. It shows "winmail is the default" in every way, but still when i use the rightclick menu, it's not working at all. Anyway, i gave up. Checking my mails and replies + using NNTP client is fairly enough for me. Thanks for answering. Maybe i should move to TB in slow way...
i tested and re-applied some steps. Also i checked every registry entries (from my other w10 thinkpad) and tried to do same in this notebook (msi-katana) but nothing changed. It shows "winmail is the default" in every way, but still when i use the rightclick menu, it's not working at all. Anyway, i gave up. Checking my mails and replies + using NNTP client is fairly enough for me. Thanks for answering. Maybe i should move to TB in slow way...

When you installed Thunderbird you must of let it set itself to the default email client, and so that took over WinMail, and so you would need to reverse that process by going into TB and set it not be default. Or, also you could of just uninstalled TB afterwards, if that did not do it, then you could also reset/restore your registry back one day to undo whatever it did before you installed it, but by now those reg backups ''may'' be out of date, it depends. I personally always make an OS partition image backup before I install any software to test, that way if I don't like something I can just image back my OS right away in a few short minutes, is quicker than anything else to do, and everything is back to original. I also extra, track all registry/software changes that any software installs I make, that way I can also have the opportunity and alternative to selectively reverse what does not get put back by an install. This should all be normal practice for an advanced user as yourself being in IT for your company.
Anyway in order for me to figure it out at this point, I would have to take the time to install TB, and and then try to reproduce what you did, to track it down. However that is for you to do. It has to be something very simple though. I will say again to everyone to Always create all OS partition backups, and WM backups before you do any testing!'s so easy, and saves you from so much hassle going forward.

It shows "winmail is the default" in every way,
Don't forget when you go into that Windows Default Apps section which I show in that first Post 2 Screenshot there for setting WinMail Default, and at this point you can go back now to toggle those same settings from Windows Mail / Thunderbird, and toggle them, on/off, back-n-forth, to see if that resets it.


Also, as an extra check open WinMail, go up to Tools> Options> General Tab, and make sure on the bottom of this GUI, both of those buttons you need to click to set them Default, and when set, they will be greyed out like this screenshot here:


  • WinMail_Default.jpg
    34.4 KB · Views: 47
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When you installed Thunderbird you must of let it set itself to the default email client, and so that took over WinMail, and so you would need to reverse that process by going into TB and set it not be default. Or, also you could of just uninstalled TB afterwards, if that did not do it, then you could also reset/restore your registry back one day to undo whatever it did before you installed it, but by now those reg backups ''may'' be out of date, it depends. I personally always make an OS partition image backup before I install any software to test, that way if I don't like something I can just image back my OS right away in a few short minutes, is quicker than anything else to do, and everything is back to original. I also extra, track all registry/software changes that any software installs I make, that way I can also have the opportunity and alternative to selectively reverse what does not get put back by an install. This should all be normal practice for an advanced user as yourself being in IT for your company.
Anyway in order for me to figure it out at this point, I would have to take the time to install TB, and and then try to reproduce what you did, to track it down. However that is for you to do. It has to be something very simple though. I will say again to everyone to Always create all OS partition backups, and WM backups before you do any testing!'s so easy, and saves you from so much hassle going forward.


Don't forget when you go into that Windows Default Apps section which I show in that first Post 2 Screenshot there for setting WinMail Default, and at this point you can go back now to toggle those same settings from Windows Mail / Thunderbird, and toggle them, on/off, back-n-forth, to see if that resets it.


Also, as an extra check open WinMail, go up to Tools> Options> General Tab, and make sure on the bottom of this GUI, both of those buttons you need to click to set them Default, and when set, they will be greyed out like this screenshot here:
Both are grey already but still when i try to use "right click menu" still TB runs. I will find the way or should i wait for w11 installation :)
Both are grey already but still when i try to use "right click menu" still TB runs. I will find the way or should i wait for w11 installation :)
Win 11 will not solve your problem, quite the contrary.

but still when i try to use "right click menu" still TB runs.
I can reproduce what you did, and now have that same right click issue. But I first want to say when you first installed Thunderbird:

~ #1. The first thing you should of done during TB install, was to uncheck this Default box here:
screenshot 1:
1. UnCheck This.jpg

~ #2. The second thing to do was make sure these settings in TB are set like this:
screenshot 2:
2. Thunderbird Settings.jpg

#3. After the fact, now that you didn't do any of that, you will need to go back and make sure you do (before and/or after)
The third thing to do now is then you go to:
> Default Apps > and set WinMail as Default like this:
screenshot 3:
3. Make WinMail Default App.jpg

#4. Also you will now have to re-merge all 3 reg files from Posts 1 & 2 again:
~ WinMailEdit.reg
~ 1709+Update.reg
~ v1709+.reg

(fwiw, 99.999999% of these 3 reg's will not change anything in the registry and will just overwrite what's already there; iow, you only need to replace a few lines of code that TB replaced, but I'm not taking the time to dissect that out for you, so it's just easier for you to merge all three which is a harmless overwrite anyway. Also note, after a reboot 'you may' have to go back and perform the spoilers screenshot above #2 & 3 again, but just make sure they are set right.

If by chance you already uninstalled TB, you will just need to do #4 & #3

...and that should fix it, well, it did for me in this very quick test for you while TB was still installed; but, I would have never installed TB in the first place for any reason - ymmv. ...Actually I would uninstall it ASAP :p ...but again of course, ymmv here too!
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i did the procedure here on my windows 11 22h2, but it gives me an error about missing message database.

but it's clearly there.

could this be because i am not using an english windows version?
i could not copy acctres.dll.mui to en-US. so i copied it into de-DE
i did everything else as in posting #1 and #2 about 5 times, but no changes.

thanks anyway.

/edit: oh wow. figured it out. importing the .reg files didn't work by just double-clicking them, for whatever reason... windows said it was successful, when it wasn't.
i then used a 3rd party registry editor and imported them fine, and it works! hooray!
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ah well, there still is a problem.

i cannot add/edit accounts. if i go there in the menu, nothing happens. is this supposed to work?
i cannot add/edit accounts. if i go there in the menu, nothing happens. is this supposed to work?

Yes of course it works, you are just rushing and not doing all the steps correctly yesterday with that, and then again today with this one.

Usually people run into problems with that Account button not opening, which is accessed via:
Tools> Accounts
Normally it's because the wrong version' ACCTRES.dll in the System32 folder can cause that Accounts button not to open, or, the acctres.dll.mui that goes in the System32\en-US folder to match it - surly if that mui is missing it Will cause just the the Accounts button to be inactive, and not open when you click it..
...Both of these files are given in post 2...

If you did not play with changing languages files and have the correct given version ACCTRES.dll given placed in the 'System32' folder, then just make sure you also actually have placed the given acctres.dll.mui in the 'System32\en-US' folder to match it.
..iow, when you are copy/pasting both these files make sure (as with all files here) pay attention to the prompts, make very sure they actually get placed, and if applicable, make sure it actually overwrites if there's already ones there!
ah thanks.

but as said, i am not using an english version of windows 11. maybe i need another acctres.dll.mui than provided here.
i don't have write access to the System32\en-US folder, only TrustedInstaller has.
so i ended up copying acctres.dll.mui to de-DE. but it seems this does not work.

ACCTRES.dll is present in System32, and so is msoeacct.dll, both build 15063

/edit: ok, i managed to copy acctres.dll.mui into System32\en-US, using this tool: Releases · fafalone/RunAsTrustedInstaller
"accounts" now work, but it's in english. but that's ok for me.

/edit2: well, i took a look at this, and i did build a german acctres.dll.mui using the resources from windows 7, i don't have anything else.
works well, if anyone is interested, lemme know. but if someone drops an official german acctres.dll.mui here, i wouldn't mind.
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i don't have write access to the System32\en-US folder,
Yes you already had what is needed to replace the files, and I've already covered this on post #2 step #13, which is to simply use Take Ownership on any 'single file' for its 'release' to be able to replace it. Since you already had the Take Ownership installed from post #1 step #3 for that particular step and reasons, but besides that for here when needed for the language folder, you would simply right click on the file you were replacing here, click Take Ownership, and then overwrite it, done. Of course never take ownership of the System32 folder itself! ...only on the few single files that I give for that. I talk about this issue in many posts since then: is just one of those posts

i did build a german acctres.dll.mui using the resources from windows 7
...then you did a good job, and so good for you ;)
You only needed to pull those files from Windows Vista or I used Windows 7 preferred, in the language you want. It will be a match for this WinMail tutorial.
Years ago I would install Vista/Win7 in all languages and pull those files for people too, see: Language Files Localization Project ...but it took so much time for me to do it all, and besides it's been years since anyone has asked anyway, and so years ago I decided not to do it anymore and just support and supply English only from then on.

Anyway, good job. You will find whatever you come up with that we've already talked about and worked on it already, you just have to read all the instructions on Page 1 through 5 including their hidden spoiler information on each page, even this whole thread carefully. I know, I know, that takes a lot of time, but a Lot of time and effort was put into this entire project, and so it's good to catch-up on it all before posting <g>

Thank you for your support
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Microsoft announces to stop windows mail to work; see Outlook for Windows: The Future of Mail, Calendar, and People on Windows 11 - Microsoft Support ... Question: does this affect WinMail Vista? I can imagine there could be two possible ways of affection: windows mail will be blocked as all windows mail stuff will be disabled and an activity with that name ignored — even when the installed windows mail version is winmail vista; or winmail vista is not affected and installation will get easier as any windows mail stuff will no longer be touched and can work in the background without being affected. Does anyone know what is to expect?
Question: does this affect WinMail Vista?
At this point I have no way of knowing, but I don't think so <to be determined>

<edit> ..but I can definitely now say that as of Win11 24H2 b26100.2314 it is working:
I just fresh installed it:
{click image to open full)

I can imagine there could be two possible ways of affection: windows mail will be blocked as all windows mail stuff will be disabled and an activity with that name ignored
According to that article, for the onboard built-in Win11 Windows Mail Client (which is not our Vista/Win7 WinMail) the article says:

"Users will continue to have the option to go back to Windows Mail and Calendar through a toggle in Settings > General > About Outlook, in the Outlook for Windows app."

..and so I assume means they won't pull the onboard Win11 mail app out completely, and just toggle it. I don't see any reason for them to also further remove even more of what's left of the old OE legacy code either, however each major update when installed as it does now will still 'remove' what this tutorial adds back of the legacy for Vista/Win7 WinMail to work, and so the tutorial will still always have to be re-run again to re-instate it.

Let's just wait and see, but no doubt Win10 and below will always be able to run this tutorial and have our Vista/Win7 WinMail working, as well Win11 up to whatever particular WinMail working last build would be, if, they ever pull more.
I probably won't chase WinMail past (or within) Win11 anymore if they change it again though, and luckily we've gone this long....
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I have been happily using and reinstating Windows Mail (successfully) since the OE era up until I accidentally upgraded my Windows 11 to 24H2 two days ago. I've tried every steps in the tutorial (updated in Jan. 2024) but still can't even start the program. Clicked on the .exe and nothing happened. I have been successful in every past updates but this one. Anyone having the same issue or might point me to where I might have gone wrong? Great thx!!!
Welcome to the EightForums arcolade
I've never seen you here before, or at the beginning within the SevenForums?

I've tried every steps in the tutorial (updated in Jan. 2024)
edit a week later: The tutorial post #2 screenshots has now been updated to Jan 2025 with Win11, 24H2, b26100.2314 ..tested/working

I have been happily using and reinstating Windows Mail (successfully) since the OE era. I've tried every steps in the tutorial.
I've heard those lines a hundred times... <vbg>

I need a lot more information than you have given here though to help.
Have you always been using the tutorial on Post 1 & 2, or something else?
Usually with WinMail not starting like that is because you are accessing the wrong WinMail.exe version.
Be sure to follow every single step correctly, including Post 1 steps 4, 5, 6... is usually what causes that.
...also 7, 8
Everything really, all the steps in Posts 1 & 2.
***Be very sure! your files are ''actually getting replaced'' in every instance throughout.

I accidentally upgraded my Windows 11 to 24H2 two days ago
Simply restore your Win11 OS partition image back to what it was just before the update!
You do have a partition image backup saved right? <g>
Also fwiw, don't forget to read post #5 about how to stop Window Update surprises, if that still applies. I've had WU turned off for quite a while on both Win10 & Win11 (actually all my OS's.) I prefer no surprises at all, but ymmv. I don't see your thanks click there, or anywhere.

TBH, as of yet I have not had the time or inclination to install 24H2 on Win11 yet. My plate and schedule are extremely full, and the kids are home for the holidays, so I won't have a chance to install and play until after then. Honestly I'd be surprised if MS they changed something that affects WM, but, you never know.
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Welcome to the EightForums arcolade
I've never seen you here before, or at the beginning within the SevenForums?

I've heard those lines a hundred times... <vbg>

I need a lot more information than you have given here though to help.
Have you always been using the tutorial on Post 1 & 2, or something else?
Usually with WinMail not starting like that is because you are accessing the wrong WinMail.exe version.
Be sure to follow every single step correctly, including Post 1 steps 4, 5, 6... is usually what causes that.
...also 7, 8
Everything really, all the steps in Posts 1 & 2.
***Be very sure! your files are ''actually getting replaced'' in every instance throughout.

Simply restore your Win11 OS partition image back to what it was just before the update!
You do have a partition image backup saved right? <g>
Also fwiw, don't forget to read post #5 about how to stop Window Update surprises, if that still applies. I've had WU turned off for quite a while on both Win10 & Win11 (actually all my OS's.) I prefer no surprises at all, but ymmv. I don't see your thanks click there, or anywhere.

TBH, I have not had the time or inclination to install 24H2 on Win11 yet. My plate and schedule are extremely full well into next month, and the kids are home for the holidays, so I won't have a chance to install and play until after then. Honestly I'd be surprised if MS they changed something that affects WM, but, you never know.

Million thanks!!! I re-traced my steps and found (FINALLY) that I've omitted one crucial step (13 on post 2). Great thanks for the reminder!!! It finally works now.

Thank you so very very much! After a week's trail, I still can't get used to either Outlook or Thunderbird. It's a godsend having Windows Mail working again:)

I only registered now because I've been following your steps in the post and everything just went smoothly:). I did have the UW turned off, in the attempts to restore my USB hubs connectivity, I went ahead with the update without realizing this is a big update and would wash off any settings on the Windows Mail. It was too late when I got up next morning and found no WM on my screen....

"I don't see your thanks click there, or anywhere." ---> I am sorry if I missed anything, would be very much appreciated if anyone can show my where I should be clicking:)
Good job arcolade,

I don't see your thanks click there, or anywhere.

I was simply meaning while logged in to the forum, to click the Like buttons on the bottom of the original tutorial posts, and of course any post from anyone that helps you; iow, Especially don't forget to click the Like buttons on the original Posts 1 through 5 :) ....if you want to that is.

No, I don't get anything from doing it, zero, but just knowing that the time spent is appreciated to do this project is a thanks, and therefore simply just a good feeling and a reason for me to continue..
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Good job arcolade,

I was simply meaning while logged in to the forum, to click the Like buttons on the bottom of the original tutorial posts, and of course any post from anyone that helps you; iow, Especially don't forget to click the Like buttons on the original Posts 1 through 5 :) ....if you want to that is.

No, I don't get anything from doing it, zero, but just knowing that the time spent is appreciated to do this project is a thanks, and therefore simply just a good feeling and a reason for me to continue..

Hi endeavor,

Thanks for reminding me! In the past, I was just too busy googling and fixing up the broken WM and never remembered to show my gratitude after reading your most thorough tutorial. I would like to again express my deepest gratitude to your wonderful tutorial. It really is a lifesaver for me:)

Have a great weekend and holidays!