I have been using Windows Mail since it first showed up in Vista, long ago. It was so much like Outlook Express, it was familiar to me.
But, I never did understand why MS felt like they had to change something that worked so well. ???
I used a tweak and a hack to get 'Windows Mail' it working in Windows 7, and later Windows 8.1. Still worked GREAT till Google decided to Block it. Arggg!
I've finally discovered that it's not the program that's being blocked, it's my UN-Secure password. I know that many people use a very easily hacked or guessed password that is NOT secure at all.
Google's answer to the problem is to require each GMail user to have an "App Password" to replace their old password, in their email program. At first glance, the process of getting one seems like a rat maze, of mouse clicks and multiple log-ins, as well as receiving either a text message or phone call with a secret "CODE" number. Arggg!
I could have never gotten through that whole process, were it not for a very helpful U-Tube video that walked or talked me through the whole process. Then it became simple.
With three GMail accounts, I had to go through acquiring an App Password, three times. And then going into my email programs, (both Windows Mail and O.E.Classic) and replacing my old password, with the new App Password, for each account. Now I have three email programs that work GREAT with GMail.
Since I now understand what Google is trying to accomplish with their 16 digit App Passwords, the whole process is less daunting.
Besides the U-Tube video, there is also a Text Instruction. I opted for the video. AV supersedes text for me, any day.
But for anyone using a NON-Compliant email program like Windows Mail or O.E.Classic, going through the process of getting an App Password, is well worth the time and effort.
By the way, the Mozilla/Thunderbird program can get your GMail without an App Password. I know NOT why! I tried it, and it works just fine, but it's NO Windows Mail.
Cheers Mates!

PS: For those who may be inclined to try the U-Tube video, here the link to it: