How to reinstate WinMail onto Windows 8/10/11

Yes mine also does 'Immediate crash&quit when trying to go into offline mode' I simply leave it in on-line mode, it tells me it is unable to connect to the server, I press OK and then carry on.
I'll just point out, I only use Windows Mail as a newsreader.

There are two "methods" for "offline mode": do not have a network connection and be forced to the dialogue – or manually select "offline mode" over the file-menue. In both there is an immediate crash&quit as soon as offline mode is confirmed (in the dialogue or when selecting it from the menue) – independently whether the program was still on in online-mode and manually put into offline mode or network connection got lost – or started without network connection. The only solution here is to have any kind of local network connection to keep the program running without internet.

How do you keep it "on"? What "OK" are you pressing?

Btw: same problem with windows 8
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Good Morning, Happy Holidays as well..

@ Kukattooo
@ pissant

This after-effect bug for the Offline Mode is already well known for Win8/10/11+ ..It has already been known for over 10 years now :)

You all have read the Bug List before you reinstated WinMail right? ;)

If you look at the: errata, Bug List write up, you will see, it's listed right there on the very 2nd line for goodness sake :)

It's not likely ever going to be fixed for a number of reasons.

I personally never ever need to click that offline button anyway - I simply never use it.
I always leave it default in the Online mode, I never click that button for trouble.

fwiw, there is a way that was found to partially remedy that issue Only for Win7, as was talked about Here ..but again and again, this will not work for Win8/10/11 and toggling that Offline Mode button will crash WinMail !

@ Kukattooo ...after re-reading your post again I'm not exactly clear as to what you are actually saying.
...and so to verify for you again, I will enter my Windows 11 tower later this morning and make sure that at default, WinMail is working properly with connecting sending/receiving to the internet.
I'll check back in a few hours as I've got my test bench tower setup with Server 2022 right now from last months testings. I'll finish up with that and boot Win11 to check that out..
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I do not always have internet here. Today I had the situation that I had to prepare a reply of a mail with attachment that I got yesterday. I just wanted to save the attachment of the mail – checking for new eMails was not the task to be done. The problem: as there was no internet (as I do not always have internet here) WinMail Vista crashed (that I was not aware of as I still use in in real Windows Vista – where I do not remeber to crash when going to offline mode). As I knew that I would not get internet again for quite a moment I then tried connecting to a WLAN-Router (without internet-connection) – there was no crash. So for me the problem is avoidable by turning on any router (can be a GSM/LTE-Router where no SIM-Card is inserted – or any other kind of WAN-Router) and the computer I am working on knows the WLAN or it or can be connect by ethernet cable. The computer then can connect to the LAN and gets an IP – and WinMail Vista does not crash when going into offline mode (and is really working in offline mode). By that the task was done – I could save the attachment. What does that mean as a whole: WMV needs a network connection to a router to run in offline mode – but it does not need real internet connection. This is acceptable as workaround – but clearly not the real solution ... Btw: I only use IMAP (and not POP3)
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Yes Win11 and even on Server 2022 does the same thing with clicking that Working Online / Offline button..
I've been only speaking about the Online / Offline button on the bottom right of WinMail's gui as shown in this screenshot here:


..and also of course from its listing up on the top tab of: File> Work Offline / Online

I'm saying to avoid the crash not to use that button or WinMail will crash, as noted in the errata Bug List report.
If you need to use it for your particular circumstance and the way you do it to make your situation work, okay then that is up to you.
I am sorry if you do not have constant 24hr internet connection in your area, I wish you did.

The problem: as there was no internet (as I do not always have internet here) WinMail Vista crashed
I've Never seen that happen (it does not happen) when using the correct files given in this tutorial. My isp can go offline, or I can unplug the internet cable, it does not matter if there is an internet connection available or not WM will not crash on its own just because of that, you can still use WM to create emails or whatever, to send later, Without having to click that Online/Offline button.
You should not have to use that button at all.

It occurred to me looking back at your previous posts and my replies over the years (posts 660, 662, 664, 704, etc) I still don't know what files you are using to run your WinMail install either, it does not seem they are from here because of your answers over those replies. I only offer support for those using the files and information from this tutorial and nothing else; other methods and files are fraught with their own problems along with instigating other new ones.

This is acceptable as workaround – but clearly not the real solution
Okay you need to do whatever you need to do. There is no other solution I can offer for you for what you are doing.

Only use the files and attachments, that go with the particular instructions given in this tutorial.

When it comes to specifically using that Online / Offline button, there is no fix for that crash on Win8/10/11/Server ..and if you found another way to make something work for you while using WM with your own unique self-made situation from the files that you use, then okay so be it. Kukattooo, if you want something more stable for what you are doing, then maybe it's time you installed a modern email client. Peace..
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As said: I need to access mails (and so to run WMV) even then when there is no internet connection (I cannot change it that it is not always available). I just need to get access to the (already downloaded) mails with their attachments. The main problem is: as soon as you start WMV and click to any folder of any IMAP account, the popup whether to "retry" or to "work offline" is appearing automatically. "Retry" does not make sense (as there is no internet connection) – you are forced to press "work offline" – and at that moment it is resulting in a crash when the PC is not connected to any network (with or without internet access). But it does not crash when the PC is connected to any LAN. As soon as it crashes it has to be restarted – with the same result again (popup for "retry" or "work offline") – and you get no access to the mails in any IMAP folder if you cannot run it. The only thing that is needed here is to make it run without internet connection – to be able to access the mails without active internet connection.
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The main problem is: as soon as you start WMV and click to any folder of any IMAP account, the popup whether to "retry" or to "work offline" is appearing automatically. "Retry" does not make sense (as there is no internet connection) – you are forced to press "work offline" – and at that moment it is resulting in a crash when the PC is not connected to any network (with or without internet access). But it does not crash when the PC is connected to any LAN. As soon as it crashes it has to be restarted – with the same result again (popup for "retry" or "work offline") – and you get no access to the mails in any IMAP folder if you cannot run it.
I understand, and with using IMAP in that scenario I can reproduce what you say above, and also tested again just now and see this is also true for all Win7/8/10/11/Server.
Anything trying to connect to that online/offline target no matter where you access it from will crash WM, except with POP3 you can just ignore and not click on it; however, the problem is when using IMAP on Win7/8/10/11/Server it Forces the issue to use it, and so you have no choice. I understand.

The answer to fix the issue for Win7 as I said though is found: HERE, and he details it well.
As you can see there I've tested it before in 2015 and it works with IMAP and POP3 but only for Win7, but it does not work for Win8/10/11/Server with what's given in its current state, and so more work would need to be done for that process - I have No Plans in adapting it for when using IMAP on Win8/10/11/Server going forward, no.

The only thing that is needed here is to make it run without internet connection – to be able to access the mails without active internet connection.
Yes true, but I'm very sorry Kukattooo, this IMAP issue you've pointed out again with WM for Win8/10/11/Server will most likely never be fixed. So either use the workaround you mentioned at the end of your post 743 which you've said is acceptable (and btw a good idea) ..or move on to an email client that will support what you want to do, thank you.
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As said: even if the workaround is not really "offline mode" (but just "no connection to server") it is possible to work with it. So the main problem is intercepted.

Btw: I not only wanted to inform that I run into the mentioned problem (of crashing in offline mode) – even if it is already known, but also about the viable workaround to circumvent it.

And something else: it is not the same installation mentioned several pages above – here it is on Windows 11, there it was on Windows 8.1 ... but as you had to consider: the problem is a) the same – and b) it is not dependent on the installation (that here again must be in german language – the not fixed files taken directly from an installed (and still running) Windows Vista (both x86 and x64).

And can you please tell me which other eMail-Client is offering:
° showing every mail account entry including passwords with MailPassView from Nirsoft
° saving every mail account credentials into a separate file (here .iaf) that can be reused to reinstall it again (absolutely essential with over 100 accounts)
° a well approved and well arranged layout in a simple design (with one single line per mail and columns for all parameters)
° moving mails from one account to another easily
° automatically ordering accounts by alphabet (or manually given numbers respectively) – and not having to edit configuration files where the fixed order is that of the moment of installation
° not automatically marking mails as read when showing them in the preview pane
° easily marking mails as unread
° and some other useful things more ...

Sorry, but I'm sure you can't tell me what other (free) mail client has all these advantages that normally are not evaluated in comparisons ... ;) ... OK, maybe outlook – but the new layout isn't the same as this here ...


Btw: there is something more to mention: when internet gets lost while WMV is running and you are editing a mail, the "send" button should not be pressed – as then the "retry or offline mode popup" is appearing – and either choice causes a crash – and if you did not save the edited mail before it is lost ...
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...the not fixed files taken directly from an installed (and still running) Windows Vista
Actually, you have to be using some of the files and reg's given in this tutorial, in some way, or Win11 WinMail would not work at all !

And can you please tell me which other eMail-Client is offering:
Nice list, and yes I've always preferred to just use WinMail from the very beginning too, since as you already know WinMail does everything I want and need, and in the familiar design we are used to. Therefore I've not spent much time with what other clients do, and so I have no advice about any other clients. I'm not the one to ask that question.

I only support WinMail and the procedures and the files given in this tutorial (for good reason) ..and only for those people that choose to follow them.

..having said that, since it's the Holidays, this morning being curious, I've briefly worked on this IMAP 'working offline' crashing issue, and have succeeded in modifying just the msoe.dll to disconnect calls from forced 'working offline' instances, and so now when using IMAP (or POP3) it does not crash like it did before when invoked. I've only did it for x64 users and I've only tested this so far for x64 users on Win11 & Server 2022. Tested / Working!

Here are some animated gifs I made to show a quick video proof of both situations not crashing:

IMAP, Work Offline

POP3 or IMAP ..clicking the Work Offline button

Kukattooo I've sent you a PM using this forums personal message system, you will find it in your personal message folder located up on the top right of your login name, see the 'Envelope Icon' click it.
Actually, you have to be using some of the files and reg's given in this tutorial, in some way, or Win11 WinMail would not work at all !

I wonder what I should have done wrong (besides my first tries when I did not completely follow your tutorial) – as WMV is working fine here on more than one PC in german language and also on W11 – apart from some minor issues discussed here ...

Nice list, and yes I've always preferred to just use WinMail from the very beginning too, since as you already know WinMail does everything I want and need, and in the familiar design we are used to. Therefore I've not spent much time with what other clients do, and so I have no advice about any other clients. I'm not the one to ask that question.

Some two, three years ago I had to evaluate email clients; the result was sparse:. only WinMail Vista, Sylpheed, Claws and Thunderbird were fulfilling the needs – and WinMail Vista stil has best handling and design. But for some special tasks it is failing (and I do it with other clients): when I have to move 2000 or 3000 mails from one folder to another folder of a different accunt WMV stops at a certain moment. Sylpheed never did stop doing that task so far. And a phone company here is sending mails that WMV cannot display as it cannot decrypt them. Also Google Mail asks for "unsecure mode" (what leads to other problems). But for all the rest WMV is on top!

I only support WinMail and the procedures and the files given in this tutorial (for good reason) ..and only for those people that choose to follow them.

That's more than nothing ... :)

..having said that, since it's the Holidays, this morning being curious, I've briefly worked on this IMAP 'working offline' crashing issue, and have succeeded in modifying just the msoe.dll to disconnect calls from forced 'working offline' instances, and so now when using IMAP (or POP3) it does not crash like it did before when invoked. I've only did it for x64 users and I've only tested this so far for x64 users on Win11 & Server 2022. Tested / Working!

Here are some animated gifs I made to show a quick video proof of both situations not crashing:

Looks nice – but is not in that situation that problems occured here. Btw: It seems to me that you are more using POP3 usually and not or very rarely IMAP. Please do the following to get a more complete view of the problem: install more than one IMAP account so that you have your folder list in the left pane (as for my own mail server I use hMailServer that is easy to configure). And then click through these IMAP-Folders (Inbox, Drafts, Sent, Trash etc.). Do it when having internet connection, when having only LAN connection (but no internet), and when having no network connection of the PC at all. The crash only occurs with no connection at all. When having no LAN connection and selecting one of the IMAP folders in the left pane the popup "retry" or "work offline" is appearing – and as soon as you click one of those the crash occurs – what obviously should not be.

Second way to switch to offline mode is manually through the file menu. Also then there should not be a crash.

But to be honest: even with Windows Mail in original Windows Vista a click onto the status line in the field "work online" does not do anything. That's only a status field and not meant to click on. But in your second gif it looks like you are cllicking onto the status field to switch online / offline mode ... really? I never had the idea to do that and wonder ...

Kukattooo I've sent you a PM using this forums personal message system, you will find it in your personal message folder located up on the top right of your login name, see the 'Envelope Icon' click it.

Thanks – sorry, I was not aware of that ... :)


Something more: only having LAN but no internet still has it's flaws: I was editing a mail that is in a drafts folder of an IMAP account. When closing it I was told that there is a connection problem and it will be saved in the drafts folder (that should bei the local drafts folder). But after closing there was nothing in the drafts folder ... So working with LAN, but without internet still does not work as expected to circumvent the offline-crash problem.
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Vista x64
1. Vista_x64.jpg

Win7 x64
2. Win7x64.jpg

Win11 x64
3. Win11x64..jpg
To prevent any possible interference, I created all setups using the built-in default IMAP that's included with WinMail
...iow, not using any other third party apps (like hMailServer) ...just in case there is any possible conflict.

These next two screenshots were taken during working Off Line and works well, just like Vista; although Vista does work the cleanest
..tested creating every various Off Line scenario mentioned, with no crash or losing any work.

4. Win11_PutInDraftsFolder_Offline.jpg

5. PutsToLocalDraftFolderInsteadOffline.jpg

In conclusion, if it's insisted to have WinMail work with IMAP having the cleanest operating scenarios in every possible way
..then my recommendation could be just to use Vista for IMAP email communications.

Let me take a moment to wish the best for everyone this holiday season

happy new year horn.gif
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So, I've run across an instability on Win10Pro, 21H1 (and probably 20H2). Installed a while back as per posts 1 & 2. Using POP3 accounts exclusively, no newsgroups. Wired ethernet.

On occasion (frequency 1-2 per month), WInMail crashes while reading new mail, then imemdiately reopens by itself and retreives all the new mail again, resulting in every new mail duplicated. One of the duplicates has no account information. Often attempting to delete the duplicates en mass results in an "unknown error occurred" message box, but they can be deleted one by one.

Of the two machines configured identically here, both behave the same way, although not at the same times. Both get mail from the same small ISP hosting a custom domain. SSL/995, mail left on server for 5 days.

I can live with this, but would prefer to fix it.
Hello caseym54,

On occasion (frequency 1-2 per month), WInMail crashes while reading new mail
This is curious, but I need much more information since it brings up so many questions that need answering. I need much more information than you have given here.

~Were both computers WinMail reinstatement set up by the same person?
~Were the OS's migrated to a new version of Win10 before or after this started happening, or was it doing this from the first day one of WinMail reinstatement?
~Was there ever a period of time after first initial reinstatement that it worked completely well without WInMail crashing and causing a rebuild?
It's clear that you have message store folder corruption causing it to loop itself into a recovery process.
~Are the duplicates in the same folder or do they show up in recovered folders?
~When WinMail was first reinstated, did you let the mails and accounts start anew, or did you restore them from the tutorials Backup/Restore procedure 1, 2, 3 ???

Often attempting to delete the duplicates en mass results in an "unknown error occurred" message box, but they can be deleted one by one.
Time to put a stop to that madness right. One thing will be for certain, you will need to perform an accurate Restore from the Backup/Restore procedure 1, 2, 3 procedure, and so the question is if the repair is going to entail a MSF restore from a previous backup? Did you make one? ..or if not start it anew.
The question is did you bring your Backup/Restore procedure 1, 2, 3 of your MSF from a previous version of Windows with WinMail? Do you have a current one? ..or if not, then your only choice is to delete it as per the tutorials instruction to do so, and start it up again. All of this information is contained in the spoiler on Post #1 called Backup/Restore procedure 1, 2, 3

It is helpful for you to understand why this happened in the first place, so that you can prevent it from happening again.

One of the duplicates has no account information.
Explain that better.

Both get mail from the same small ISP hosting a custom domain
I don't see how your ISP can be causing this as you may possibly be thinking though, and the fact that you have your POP3 account set to 5 days (I have mine set at 1) but regardless even if it's set to delete the mail after you first retrieve it does not matter, it just seems that way only because your Crash rebuilds it all again, and since you have the server hold mail for 5 days it will download all that's there again probably putting them in newly rebuilt 'Recovered' folders since its id is now disconnected from the old ones, so you see doubles I assume in different folders from each other? Each mail though is given a different id# anyway so they can co-exist side by side with the same headers and subject line but have different ID#'s because of the rebuild; all of this info though is irrelevant to solve your problem which is now a corrupted MSF.
Off topic, not that it matters to the reason or problem, but why do you have that set to 5 days anyway? Most people leave that box unchecked so that once it pulls the message off the server once and the server deletes its copy, so your only copy will be what you have on board (and of course will always be within your MSF 1, 2, 3 backup.

Of the two machines configured identically here, both behave the same way, although not at the same times.
Anyway, the fact that both separate computers installs are having the same thing happening is very curious indeed though, and hence all my questions at first.

I see you've been a member here since 2015. Wondering what is your WinMail history of use?
Did you start using it on Win7, and then on Win8?
When did you first install (reinstate) WinMail on Windows 10?
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Hello caseym54,

This is curious, but I need much more information since it brings up so many questions that need answering. I need much more information than you have given here.
~Were both computers WinMail reinstatement set up by the same person? YES
~Were the OS's migrated to a new version of Win10 before or after this started happening, or was it doing this from the first day one of WinMail reinstatement?
Interim updates happened first. Started mid-year. My wife told me about it a month ago, but I gather it had been going on for a while. Both machines were clean installs of legal copies of Win 10 Pro Jan-Feb 2021. Both machines are set to a normal WIndows update cycle.

~Was there ever a period of time after first initial reinstatement that it worked completely well without WInMail crashing and causing a rebuild?
Yes. At least a few months. Long enough for me not to immediately rebuild
It's clear that you have message store folder corruption causing it to loop itself into a recovery process.
~Are the duplicates in the same folder or do they show up in recovered folders?
They show up in the same folder as the original copy. There is no obvious "recovery process" -- WInMail just closes and reopens.

~When WinMail was first reinstated, did you let the mails and accounts start anew, or did you restore them from the tutorials Backup/Restore procedure 1, 2, 3 ???

It was a full restore going back a number of years. I cannot recall if the accouts were restored or re-created. I've been through this process several times (and my thanks to the people here).

Time to put a stop to that madness right. One thing will be for certain, you will need to perform an accurate Restore from the Backup/Restore procedure 1, 2, 3 procedure, and so the question is if the repair is going to entail a MSF restore from a previous backup? Did you make one? ..or if not start it anew.
I have daily full backups. I am going to have to read over the procedure you mention. I suspect I have not done that, just a block copy of the folders to another place.
The question is did you bring your Backup/Restore procedure 1, 2, 3 of your MSF from a previous version of Windows with WinMail? Do you have a current one? ..or if not, then your only choice is to delete it as per the tutorials instruction to do so, and start it up again. All of this information is contained in the spoiler on Post #1 called Backup/Restore procedure 1, 2, 3

It is helpful for you to understand why this happened in the first place, so that you can prevent it from happening again.

I will read through the rest of this and respond later.
Explain that better.

I don't see how your ISP can be causing this as you may possibly be thinking though, and the fact that you have your POP3 account set to 5 days (I have mine set at 1) but regardless even if it's set to delete the mail after you first retrieve it does not matter, it just seems that way only because your Crash rebuilds it all again, and since you have the server hold mail for 5 days it will download all that's there again probably putting them in newly rebuilt 'Recovered' folders since its id is now disconnected from the old ones, so you see doubles I assume in different folders from each other? Each mail though is given a different id# anyway so they can co-exist side by side with the same headers and subject line but have different ID#'s because of the rebuild; all of this info though is irrelevant to solve your problem which is now a corrupted MSF.
Off topic, not that it matters to the reason or problem, but why do you have that set to 5 days anyway? Most people leave that box unchecked so that once it pulls the message off the server once and the server deletes its copy, so your only copy will be what you have on board (and of course will always be within your MSF 1, 2, 3 backup.

Anyway, the fact that both separate computers installs are having the same thing happening is very curious indeed though, and hence all my questions at first.

I see you've been a member here since 2015. Wondering what is your WinMail history of use?

Since Outlook Express 4.0 or some such. Was unhappy when it went away in 7 (never actually used Vista or 8) but bolted it in there from the instructions in sevenforum.
My wife was unhappier, which focused my efforts.

Been using computers since I first touched a PDP-8I in 1971. Retired software/firmware/Verilog engineer.

Did you start using it on Win7, and then on Win8?

WInMail? Yes.

When did you first install (reinstate) WinMail on Windows 10?

Unclear. ASAP, but there wss some issue with updates corrupting WInMail.exe and/or the dlls. Not sure if that was an update to Win7 or 10. THose eventually led me to the eightforum's more detailed install.
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And now I'm reading through the "But read this first!" material that I didn't read first. Like don't use the iaf export/import.
And now I'm reading through the "But read this first!" material that I didn't read first.
Everyone is suppose to read, follow, and understand All the instructions first Before you begin <vbg>
iaf exports are the least of your problem now.. (and yes in some situations you can use them, but I'm not going to detail that here, best to always use the Backup / Restore 1, 2, 3 procedure by miles far!)
..and btw, there is no way in hel* that the Tutorial instructions here resemble that over at the SevenForums WinMail tutorial.
This is a whole different game to play now. Most people give up... and I understand why.

I have daily full backups.
Not the same thing as the Backup / Restore Procedures 1, 2, 3 outlined here. Unless, you are making partition image backups, then you can mount and extract out of those what you need, if, you know when your WinMail Setup first got MSF corrupted and you can pre-date that moment with your partition image, but you will still lose all messages after that, without having previously made a "current" 1, 2, 3 backup first.

They show up in the same folder as the original copy. There is no obvious "recovery process" -- WInMail just closes and reopens.
All the evidence is there if you know where to look, but for this part no I don't at all expect for regular people to know that at all. irrelevant to the whole process anyway, and would only be for the adept if interested.

Interim updates happened first. Started mid-year. My wife told me about it a month ago, but I gather it had been going on for a while. Both machines were clean installs
Both machines are set to a normal WIndows update cycle.
And herein lies the problem, and is the the end-game answer to all my questions now. I see what has happened and why your MSF got corrupted and is exactly as I warned throughout the entire tutorial. I even explained it in the very step 1 of the tutorial!... please go see and read it now, step 1 ...what that will happen when you let it do an update without preparedness.
Please everyone understand if you let an upgrade happen it will do exactly what it has done to here, corrupt the MSF completely. The resolve to fix it, and the resolve to Prevent it from happening again, you would of needed to follow the instructions first, simple as that. Also, don't forget to read the bottom part of post #5 as well how to put WU on hold, till your ready.

So, the answer casey is very clear what happened. If you want just take the time to read and understand everything again first, and you will find what you have to do next now to fix it, at this Last Resort moment. (hint, search Last Resort within Post 1)
You just may throw up your hands and say forget it, and that's fine too. It's everyone's own decision.
It does not matter if you are Bill Gates or his main Developer back then or now, when it comes to these simple but tedious WinMail tutorial instructions, and in order to stay out of WinMail conflict and MSF corruptions, and keep your WinMail program going throughout every update going forward, requires simple diligence.
I think people don't realize this at first, no matter how much I try and explain, some seem to just skim read things and think that's good enough. I've tried my best, so hard I did, but maybe it's time I close this project down if someone with your professional background skims the tutorial and slims down what's done, and thus WinMail breaks, and then wonders why - when it's all explained already. I'm growing weary of repeating myself every few posts for the last so many years ):
It's really so easy for those that take the time to get it to keep WinMail going.
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Actually, you have to be using some of the files and reg's given in this tutorial, in some way, or Win11 WinMail would not work at all !

Nice list, and yes I've always preferred to just use WinMail from the very beginning too, since as you already know WinMail does everything I want and need, and in the familiar design we are used to. Therefore I've not spent much time with what other clients do, and so I have no advice about any other clients. I'm not the one to ask that question.

I only support WinMail and the procedures and the files given in this tutorial (for good reason) ..and only for those people that choose to follow them.

..having said that, since it's the Holidays, this morning being curious, I've briefly worked on this IMAP 'working offline' crashing issue, and have succeeded in modifying just the msoe.dll to disconnect calls from forced 'working offline' instances, and so now when using IMAP (or POP3) it does not crash like it did before when invoked. I've only did it for x64 users and I've only tested this so far for x64 users on Win11 & Server 2022. Tested / Working!

Here are some animated gifs I made to show a quick video proof of both situations not crashing:

IMAP, Work Offline

POP3 or IMAP ..clicking the Work Offline button

Kukattooo I've sent you a PM using this forums personal message system, you will find it in your personal message folder located up on the top right of your login name, see the 'Envelope Icon' click it.
Would be nice if I can get that dll cause I am not online all the time.
Would be nice if I can get that dll cause I am not online all the time.

Please don't quote large whole messages, thank you.

Upon reading your PM you indicated you're having no problems with using your IMAP account with WinMail.
I recommend to everyone unless you're having a specific problem with WinMail IMAP account operation, then there's nothing you need to do.

That attachment I gave was for a specific situation he was having with his ISP that was going on/off all the time. His ISP is extremely intermittent and unreliable, he uses WinMail a lot, and if you're 'in the middle of creating an email' and the ISP is going on/off like his was, can cause conflict with WinMail internals. If you are in the middle of creating a message that conflict can cause you to lose the message body you were working on. (btw, when using any software, always save often when working on long messages)

Less than 1% will ever experience this problem, anyone that does can PM me for a recommendation.

I have a problem.

I just installed Win 10 on my PC (a brand new Dell Workstation).

I have been using the instructions, on this page, to reinstate Win Mail for YEARS. It always worked. However, I never used Windows 10.

After installing Win 10, I downloaded all Win updates.

Win Mail is STARTING properly.
All my messages and the whole message store system is okay.

I manually added my e-mail account details.

When I tried to check for mail, I get the an error message with an error code - see the screenshot.

Also, when I write a message and try to 'save send later', it simply says 'The message could not be send. An error has occured.'

Additionally, when I try to save a composed message, it simply says 'cannot save message'.

Any ideas what the core problem is and how to fix it? o_O


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There seems to be some form of communication between WinMail and the server!

WinMail obviously can detect the number of mails on the server.

See screenshot.


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