How to copy and paste Windows 8 restore point?


I think that it is well known that in a dual boot Windows 7 / Windows 8 that the Windows 8 restore point is deleted went booting into Windows 7. I took ownership of Windows 8 C:\System Volume Information and I can copy a restore point but cannot paste. It says that I need administrator rights even though I am logged in as administrator into the administrator account.
Hello rdwray,

It would be a waste of time to try and backup or copy your restore points. Doing so will corrupt them, and make them unusable. :(

You might see if you may be able to use the same method below, but for Windows 7 and Windows 8 instead to stop the restore points from being deleted whenever you boot into either OS.

System Restore Points - Stop XP Dual Boot Delete

Personally, I would recommend to keep updated system images in addition.
Thanks Brink; I tried this some time back and it did not work: System Restore Points - Stop XP Dual Boot Delete. I guess the issue exists because both OSs load onto C:\, but that doesn't make since because the one that isn't mounted changes to D:\.

I clone my HD but that is not a very good solution since it takes about 3 hours. What brought this up is that my display driver got scrabbled and I had a DirectX program that then had to be run in Windows 7 and I want to back up the restore point in case it happened again - I was lucky when I deleted the driver the second time, the system reloaded the original driver.
I clone my HD but that is not a very good solution since it takes about 3 hours.

I use Macrium Reflect to make system images.
I start the process & go shopping or to sleep.
Either way I'm away from the computer.
When I get back to the computer the image is done with no wasted time. :)
if you are in bed asleep you won't have to look at it. :drool:

Like you, that is when I do it and I usually wake up in the middle of the night to take care of requirements and shut things down after it is complete.:D
I clone my HD but that is not a very good solution since it takes about 3 hours.
Seriously, If it takes 3 hours to make a backup or even an hour, I would not bother to do it either. What I don't understand is why it takes you that long unless you have a good amount of personal data together with Windows OS and you are creating backup to a USB or DVD.
You might want to consider to re-partition your C-drive and move your personal data into another partition, keeping your C-Drive small. Also, taking into consideration that your PC is not very powerful but still should not take that long.

In addition, you might want to turn off all anti virus software, delete all the temp files and even defrag your HD before making backup.