how do i really use the photo app?


i just migrated to win 8 pro yesterday. when on the desktop and using win explorer, i opened some pictures and it launched the photos app for me. but what i couldn't understand is why i can only browse that ONE picture in full-screen, and i cannot browse through the other pictures in the same folder by using left/right or clicking anywhere to browse the end, i have to resort to opening with the classic windows photo viewer to browse the photos.what did i miss out on? :/
but i don't get it. even with the tablet UI, one would expect to be able to scroll through photos with the thumb, rather than exit the app, click on another photo and repeat the process again?! :/
If you start the app from the start screen, then use the built in file navigation, you might be able to. But really, metro photos app is really just THAT BAD.
That's all entirely wrong. The photo app works fine with using the arrow keys for me. Or clicking the arrow icons.


Scrolling with keyboard or mouse works in the Pictures library, but if the images are not in the library, then it doesn't.
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The Photos app is iffy, depends on what you're doing. It's pretty nice as it can sync up social networking images into the app, so you don't have to run around everywhere for an image.

You have to right click within the app to do things. When you first open it up, right click and you can sort images by date or name, among a few other things. Also upon opening the app, there's a little - icon on the bottom left corner that goes into a semantic view, Ctrl and scrolling does it too.

Personally, I use to go through my facebook pictures, and the slideshow on the Start Screen. I use Windows Essentials Photo Viewer as what I do on the Desktop and images usually has a Photoshop dependency.
I really don't know why MS bothered with any photo app! The old one worked but could have easily been modified and updated to keep it competitive with other lower-level photo editing apps. As it is, I'd rather delete it as taking ALL of the editing features off it, makes it a useless waste of energy. Just WHAT are we paying for in Eight? It does less, it is confusing and illogical and MS want to get you to obtain apps through their own vetting procedure...No thank you. MY computer, MY programs, MY choice. I can easily load Ubuntu for nothing and get the apps I need. What a waste of money!
i just migrated to win 8 pro yesterday. when on the desktop and using win explorer, i opened some pictures and it launched the photos app for me. but what i couldn't understand is why i can only browse that ONE picture in full-screen, and i cannot browse through the other pictures in the same folder by using left/right or clicking anywhere to browse the end, i have to resort to opening with the classic windows photo viewer to browse the photos.what did i miss out on? :/
I sympathize. I left Photos on my start screen because I like to see the pictures change, to have a picture displayed (as they change) on my stat screen), and to take quick peeks at my photos. The only other Metro style apps I left on the start screen are maps, weather, and camera. I never have used maps and camera except for trial purposes. I never open Weather; just use it for a quick peek at my current weather when I happen to end up on the start screen for some minor reason.
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All of that garbage got the boot as soon as I saw it! How dare they imagine that in the years since the internet becoming fully accessible that we haven't already found the most useful and accurate applications! I'm also annoyed of the immense difficulty of freeing up valuable space by deleting unused and unusable programs and folders to allow space for ones which actually are worth having. I am the administrator and fully culpable if I want to delete any program, MS or not.