how do i delete saved data of games after unstalling them?


New Member
I've installed and played "Ice Age Adventure". I played for some time and now I want to reset the game. I uninstalled it and re-installed it, but I get the same game progress. I can I restart the game from the beginning?
Usually there's an option to wipe save game data on uninstall but failing that, just find the folder on your computer containing the save games or in your case, whatever file records the progress. Once there's nothing on the computer, it should start from a fresh game after a re-install. Sometimes the information can be in two places- I think I found missing KOTOR (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic) games somewhere in the AppData folder when I was trying to mod them through a save editor.

But be careful if you need to remove files from the latter and check first they are game files and not anything critical.
I cant find anything related to iceage game in my AppData folder..
How can I search for it in a better way?
Try deleting your temporary files. As for searching better, search from your main HDD for the game by title to see what files crop up and where they are all situated. This isn't a game where you use an online account for it, is it?
Usually, Game Data is stored in Documents. My steam games and CD games store there. I might be wrong, But check anyways.

AppData is another one, If you go down to your task bar > Toolbars > Explorer. (Or search "Run")

Type %APPDATA% in the explorer and press ENTER. You should find the Ice age game folder somewhere, delete it.

Thats all i came up with, Hope i helped.
I can delete all game saved data in win8. but unter win10 it doent work anymore. there is a roming data folder. I can delete this but I cant delete any saved data.
after uninstalling the game, clean your temporary folder, press Windows + R key then type %temp%, empty the folder.