Help making a app to launch other apps?


New Member
Hi, im new, but was wondering if i could get some help. I need to figure out a way to make an app that once opened, has buttons I can click to launch a customizable set of other apps. Kind of like a multi app. I don't know how well im explaining this, so I apologize in advance. Thanks for any help you can give.
Not really. I'll try to lay it out better: So I launch the app, then it opens a window with say 6 buttons. I click button #1 and that launches a designated app, I click button #2 and that launches a different app, so on and so forth. I want it on something where I have my favorite apps in one app. I know there's folders but mine are pretty spread out. This would be really handy. Just wondering if there's anything out there like this.
Do you use the Start Screen or the Start Menu ?

If you use the Start Menu, using a "QuickLaunch" toolbar might be your easiest solution.
Tutorial by Brink:

If you use the Start Screen and really do want a custom "launcher app" that may need some type of programming skills.
Maybe some free program without "programming" can do what you want, here is a google for create windows 8 app

Here is a link to an MS thread about about "Project Siena":
Microsoft "Project Siena" app for Windows in the Windows Store
I'm not sure if this tool can do what you want ...
Not sure if this is what you are looking for or not; but you can try; you download the main app launcher then just select all the apps that you want to put into the launcher from the Pokki website (thousands available). It is pretty neat launcher - BUT - I have to offer a word of caution; it did crash on me and I had to re-install Pokki launcher and all the apps again. It is working OK now and haven't had any further problems with it.

Regards, Patric