Have you been waiting for a response?

I am back from my exams and I am taking a look at threads one by one. I will try my best to scan through the threads. In case your thread has not been responded for the first time in the next 48 hours, kindly post back in this thread so that I am notified.

I'll drop in and help out if I can, I haven't used 8/8.1 for a long time and my experience with it was minimal but I should be able to help out with some as and when I have time.
My thread hasn't had a response since it was posted 4 days ago, and it's half way down the second page now. It's still an ongoing issue for me so help would be greatly appreciated.

Thread here
I have been waiting for a response since yesterday, and still no help. I am sorry about the bumps. But, I read that if I bump once then it will move my thread to the top. So, can someone have a look at my thread, please?
Forgot to try bumping this thread for a few weeks, but I've yet to receive a response so any help would be much appreciated: http://www.eightforums.com/bsod-cra...sods-every-few-days-out-sleep.html#post505913


Hey! Still waiting for reply in : http://www.eightforums.com/bsod-cra...ing-randomly-error-0xc0000005.html#post503742

I have installed windows 10 and it still BSOD's. The culprit according to BSODview is ntoskrln.exe.

Hi, I first came here with a problem a month ago. Thread title was

BSOD (KERNAL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR) on waking from sleep.

[DEL]This is currently on page 8 (on my machine).[/DEL] Note: I bumped my thread to make it easier to find.

With advice from Addictive Gamer, I tried a bunch of stuff, but gained no great insight and didn't fix the problem. Addictive Gamer has been AWOL for four weeks or so. I'm trying to figure out what to do. HP (both customer service and the guy at the local HP Authorized Dealer) suggests resetting the machine to as delivered. OF course, I really don't want to do that, of course, and I don't see why putting the same software back on the same computer is going to fix anything. Perhaps someone could explain why it would.

My real question is how sure are we that this is a software/driver issue and not a hardware issue because I don't want to send the box back to HP and have them send me a reconditioned machine for no good reason. I'm also wondering if doing the Windows 10 upgrade has a chance of making a difference. Any ideas?
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