Happy 40th Anniversary Microsoft

Cliff S

Missing my GIF avatars:(
Pro User
Bamberg Germany
Today 04 April 2015 Microsoft turns 40.
We all have a lot to thank this company founded Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
So to any of the employees, coders, programmers that work for Microsoft and read these forums-- Keep up the good work and keep improving our favorite Operating System.
Without Microsoft setting a "Standard" OS for computers & servers PCs would still be too expensive. Apple has a totally closed eco system and LINUX/UNIX are to branched for manufacturers to install/buy in bulk.

It's nothing to do with the OS in itself(the others can & are doing basically the same), it has to do with what was probably the greatest marketing strategy in the history of business(except for Coca Cola).
[FONT=open_sansregular]Happy Birthday Microsoft, and thanks for all the years of making a living.[/FONT]