GTX970 Not Performing / Broken?


New Member
Hello, I have a GTX970 I was running it on my old PC (Can't remember the specs) but I have built my new PC and the person who was helping me said I can reuse my graphics card. So when I play a game called Euro Truck Simulator 2 I get around 20 - 50 FPS how ever my friend has the same card same processor and motherboard and he gets 60FPS at Ultra how ever I struggle to get 30FPS on ultra and I don't know how to fix it. I have checked all drivers updated my BIOS I have tried everything I can think of.

Any help much appreciated.

PC Specs:
Processor - Intel i5-4690k 3.5GHz overclocked to 4.0GHz
GPU - ASUS GTX970 Strix
Memory - 240GB Kingston HyperX SSD, 2TB Seagate Barracuda and 1TB Seagate Barracuda
CPU Cooler - Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO
PSU - Corsair CS750M
Motherboard - MSI Z97 PC Mate
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Have you got any other games you can test the FPS?
Have you checked to see if any processes are running such as anti-virus etc?
Right I have the latest drivers thats not fixing it I also always have vSync off also I have plenty of other games and they run normaly. e.g. Minecraft, CS:GO, Project Car, and many other it's just ETS2 I seem to have an issue with.
If I were you I would do a couple of things. First run GPU-Z and paste the data in here. Second, update your BIOS. This requires a little bit of knowledge to not screw things up. Third thing, check your computer for any critical errors (especially those hardware based) in event log manager built in your Windows device. Lastly you can open up the case of your computer and try to listen to your card. Are there any weird noises coming from the card ? Coil whistle, broken bearings, buzzes ? Are the fans running at full speed or is it dynamicly adjusted ?
GPU-Z Result.gif
As the release date was 2-3 years ago then you should be looking for an Nvidia driver from just after that time say mid 2013.
Latest drivers tend to be optimised for the popular games released at the time (sales hype....) and maybe worse for some older games.

A factor like you are experiencing in one game is well within that possibility. A simple change in monitor resolution, a particular graphics effect, can also make a difference.

I have used Nvidia graphics cards for some 12 years and I mark known good driver versions by testing with a favourite game and some of those benchmark tests. Looking for strange artifacts, changes in FPS and so forth.
The result of doing that gave the impression that only about 20% of drivers were OK. Nvidia releases versions about every 1-2 months or something like that, so realistically that's actually only two drivers a year.
Indeed if you go back thru versions in their archive many versions simply disappear.

So do your own driver tests and don't auto-follow popular assumptions about what is 'best'.
**NEW Account** I have fixed the issue there were 2 contributing factors I had only 1x8GB stick of old rubbish RAM and my GPU was in my 2nd PCI-E Slot.