Solved Google Chrome - text spacing issue when typing


On some websites when I type anything into text boxes, it seems to double space my text sometimes.
As an example, here is some copied text as I typed it, only pressing the space bar once when required:

This is a test example , it even does a space before the commas.

- EDIT - this website seems to automatically remove the double spacing when I posted the thread, the sentence above did have double spacing when I copied and pasted it.
Here is a screenshot instead, I have highlighted one of the spaces, to clearly identify how it has double spaced it:

Has anyone one ever heard of this? or know what it could be?
I have tried disabling all my extensions to see if any were the cause and restarted the browser, but it still occurs.
It does not happen on every page and every text box, just seems to happen rarely at random, maybe once or twice a week I notice it doing it.

I am on version 43.0.2357.134 m
Windows 8.1 64-bit
Random thoughts:

Does problem also occur with IE ? Has your key board received moisture or need cleaning ? May want to remove and check connection.

May also try to reset or reinstall Chrome.
I've updated Chrome since, hasn't happened since then so I will mark this as solved for now.