Free Conversion tool from RUNNING machine to vmware VM

I have made a lot of VM's over the past 10 or more years but have never tried to make one from a running machine I read somewhere that you end up having problems with some of the drivers not being recognized and you have to disable some of them ( ie sound card ) and a quick question do you have to put in another windows key to register it
Hi there

Actually it didn't ask me for a new key --Office did though - but in any case just activate by phone if you get problems - just say you've got a "New" computer don't mention it's a VM - Ms have only just begun to understand about VM's now !!!--won't work for OEM versions though.

Windows activation seems quite strange -- I've changed a MOBO and not had problems having to activate -- then I've added a DVD writer and it has requested activation -- the wonders of Ms. !!!

If you CLONE a VM do it AFTER activation otherwise you have to go through the whole process again.

Note a VM is a separate machine so you can't really use the HOST and the VM on the same Windows licence unless it's a VL copy.

Ms is quite reasonable with W7 -- just say you were trying W8 / W10 out and you are "going back" to W7 but your backup failed so you are re-installing again !!!!!.
