Forced to wipe Windows 8 SSD. No recovery. Help!


New Member
A long time ago (4-5 months ago), I was installing yet another Ubuntu installation. I have done this many times before on several different computers. I accidently clicked "Continue" next to "Wipe Windows 8 installation". Long story short, I was left with a $1000 Ultrabook with no OS. The recovery software was in a partition which was also deleted. Yay. I managed to find a Windows 8 ISO and used Korean pirate activation software to activate that. Best I could do. I understand that Windows 8 product keys are kept on the BIOS, but the only keys I was able to pull were the ones from the activation software. I had contacted Lenovo at the time, and wham, $180 for recovery software. So I called back and said my computer crashed, I own a flower business, and I need help. Wham. Next day I receive reinstallation software for free (they used like $50 shipping, too :D). The software didn't work, and so for the last 4-5 months I have been using this installation of Windows 8. I would like to update to Windows 8.1, but since the activation was with KMS keys, that's not possible. Is there anything I can do? How can I get a legitimate Windows installation on this device? Thanks.
The Lenovo installation disc should work. Did you recontact them to find out what on earth they sent you. That is your best option unless you have a friend who has an installation disc that you could use.

And next time you want to experiment with Linux, try this approach. This is without risks.
The first disc should be the install disk for windows eight and the other disks probably have some kind of backup to restore the operating system to the way it was when you got it.
The Lenovo installation disc should work. Did you recontact them to find out what on earth they sent you. That is your best option unless you have a friend who has an installation disc that you could use.

And next time you want to experiment with Linux, try this approach. This is without risks.

Hey, thanks, whs! Much appreciated.
The first disc should be the install disk for windows eight and the other disks probably have some kind of backup to restore the operating system to the way it was when you got it.

Have not had a reason to try it yet but the disc content is very different from a normal installation DVD. I wonder if I could egt them all on a single bootable flash drive? That would be real nice.

First one is labeled Start Recovery Disc 1. The other five are labeled Operating System Recovery Disc 2 thru 6.