File Structure and new security


New Member
Win 8 has some radical new security on the file system.

When I install a new OS on a Laptop I have a set of files that include my normal programs and thier data that is about 12GB that I use on a new computer..

Its too big for a disc and USB is slow from a memory stick.

I use Toshiba Tecra laptops and the hard drive is made to be quickly and easily removed.

I do my OS install. Then I pull the drive and place it in a hot swap enclosure on my main computer and drop all my needed files on it. I then put the hard disc back into the laptop..

I did the same thing with my windows 8 install.

Several surprizes occured..

When I put the laptop disc into my win 7 hot swap bay win 7 said the disc appeared corrupt and wanted to fix it. I said no.. Next it said my trash file was corrupted and needed to be deleted. I said no..

I could see the contents of the disc. So I copied the directory including the files I needed over to the drive. They copied without error and showed on the drive..

I pulled the drive and popped it back in the win 8 laptop.

NO FILES.. What I copied was missing..

I went and did it again to be sure and yeap nothing. Win 8 could need see files I placed there using win 7 from another computer by copying directly to the disc..

Next I formatted a left over partition on the drive with NTFS from windows 8. I pulled the drive and placed it into the win 7 computer... I copied files.. This time I couild see the files I copied on the win 8 machine.. HOWEVER they had all sorts of permissions and restrictions imposed on them that made them unusable and blocked.

It would even set the read only flag all by itself on a file if it accessed it and apperetly did not have the right permissions. It had some defense..

After ALOT of permission changes and reownership of files I got the program to run.

I could not however get my data to work with install programs. Even after owning the entire directories and files and changing permissions on everything to allow "everyone" access.

I gave up.. Clearly win 8 has some new protection that if it finds files it did not place on its hard drive it flags them and will not trust them in any way.

I then installed Teamviewer and used filetransfer and pulled over the 12GB directory and everything worked without any changes to permissions at all..

CLEARLY win 8 has some serious security changes in its file structure. If the OS did not place the file on the disc itself forget it..

BTW I even formatted a partition on the win 8 drive using the win 7 computer and win 8 still refused to run or access the files.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    win 8
    ASUS Rampage III Extreme
    Graphics Card(s)
This is not an answer to your specific queries, however it has been found that to completely disable UAC, you need to do the following:

Be an admin user

Turn off UAC (pull the slider all the way to the bottom).

Open regedit and Locate this key:


In the right pane change EnableLUA to 0. Close regedit.

My Computer

So your saying that in Win 8 its kinda like UAC has taken on new roles in file security ?

I had already lowered UAC to zero but had not done the reg edit to disable it.

I cant find anywhere anyone who has discussed these additional file security measures. Clearly there are more permissions and controls on files now and I cant find any info on this.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    win 8
    ASUS Rampage III Extreme
    Graphics Card(s)
I feel the same, W8 security is tight especially installing third party AV software. I have problems installing AVG Internet Security.

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  • OS
The Developer Preview is locked down lol. Trying to change security and permission on the C:\ and getting access denied everywhere grrrr!

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