Family Safety App Restrictions - Set and Manage in Windows 8

How to Set and Manage Family Safety App Restrictions in Windows 8 and 8.1

information   Information
This tutorial will show you how to set and manage app restrictions in Family Safety for your child's (standard user) account in Windows 8.

You can prevent children from running specified installed Windows Store apps and programs that you don't want them to use.

You must be signed in as an administrator to be able to set and manage Family Safety settings in Windows 8.


To Manage Family Safety App Restrictions Locally in Windows 8

1. If you have not already, you will need to setup and turn on Family Safety for the child's (standard user's) user account in Windows 8.​
2. Open the Control Panel (icons view), and click/tap on the Family Safety icon.​
3. If prompted by UAC, then click/tap on Yes.​
4. Click/tap on a listed child's (standard user) account that you would like to manage the web filtering settings for. (see screenshot below)​
5. Under Windows settings, click/tap on App restrictions. (see screenshot below)​
6. Do either step 7 or 8 below for what you would like to do.​
7. To Allow User to Use All Apps
A) Click/tap on (user) can use all apps to dot it, and go to step 9 below. (see screenshot below step 8A)​
NOTE: This will hide all app restriction settings.​
8. To Allow User to Only Use Apps You Allow
A) Click/tap on (user) can only use the apps I allow to dot it. (see screenshot below)​
B) To add apps to list, click/tap on the Browse button, navigate to and select the .exe file for the app, and click\tap on Open.​
C) To allow apps, click/tap on app boxes to check them. (see screenshot above)​
D) To block apps, click/tap on app boxes to uncheck them. (see screenshot above)​
9. When finished, you can close Family Safety, or click on User Settings in the left pane to manage other settings for this user.​


To Manage Family Safety App Restrictions Online Anywhere at Family Safety Website

1. If you have not already, you will need to setup and turn on Family Safety for the child's (standard user's) user account in Windows 8.​
2. Do either step 3 or 4 below for how you would like to sign in to the Family Safety website.​
3. In Windows 8, do steps 2-3 in OPTION ONE above, click/tap on the Manage settings on the Family Safety website option, and go to step 5 below. (see screenshot below)​
4. From any computer, sign in to the Family Safety website in your web browser, and go to step 5 below.​
5. Click/tap on Edit settings for the standard user that you want to manage app restrictions for. (see screenshot below)​
6. Click/tap on App restrictions, then do either step 7 or 8 below for what you would like to do.​
NOTE: From here, you will also see what your current settings are for this user.​
7. To Allow User to Use All Apps
A) Click/tap on Turn off app restrictions to dot it, and go to step 9 below. (see screenshot below step 8A)​
NOTE: This will gray out all game restriction settings.​
8. To Allow User to Only Use Apps You Allow
A) Click/tap on Turn on app restrictions to dot it. (see screenshot below)​
B) To allow apps, click/tap on app boxes to uncheck them. (see screenshot above)​
C) To block apps, click/tap on app boxes to check them. (see screenshot above)​
9. When finished, click/tap on the Save button. (see screenshot below step 8A or 8C)​
10. You can now close the Family Safety website, or click on another setting in the left pane you would like to change.​

That's it,



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