Duplicate Screensavers On An Extended Display Setup

Arecaidian Fox

New Member
Hello. I currently have a two monitor extended display setup and I am wondering if there is any way to duplicate my screensaver across both screens, or have the screensaver render to just the main window WITHOUT changing my extended display setting. As it currently stands, all of my screensavers are being cut in half across both screens.
Programs like DisplayFusion will let you have a different screensaver for each display. I use it to get a black screen for my LCD monitor and Jscreenfix for my plasma TV, which helps reduce image retention on the plasma.
Programs like DisplayFusion will let you have a different screensaver for each display. I use it to get a black screen for my LCD monitor and Jscreenfix for my plasma TV, which helps reduce image retention on the plasma.

Thanks much =) . If it's not too much trouble, could you supply a link to the official site?