Driver Installation Order question after a clean install


New Member
Hi Everyone,
I looked through installation guides on here for the recommended installation order for drivers after a clean Windows 8 installation on an XPS8500 from Windows 8 disc. I also spoke to Tech Support but keep getting conflicting advice so I thought I would try posting here.
The question I have is regarding the Intel Chipset drivers. I know that they must be installed first before any other drivers. The confusion I have is regarding the Intel AMT HECI drivers (Intel Management Engine Interface) which are also listed as Chipset drivers.
Previous Support Technicians have always said that the Intel AMT HECI drivers installation order is not important so can be installed anytime. They always say Intel Chipset software must be done first though. I have read
driver order installation guides which shows HECI drivers way down on the installation order too.
The other day I was speaking to a guy over the phone on tech support who told me that you should install the Intel Chipset software, then the HECI drivers next!!
The reason I ask is I did a clean Windows 8 installation only last week. I installed the Intel Chipset software first and I have installed other drivers including Graphics and Wireless Network drivers. My HECI drivers were installed later. Will this cause me problems or will it be OK?
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks very much in advance.
The chipset drivers are always first as others have told you followed by the graphics drivers then the rest at your convenience or whatever is pressing.
When you say chipset drivers..are you including the Intel Management Engine Interface (Intel AMT HECI) drivers in that as well because on the dell site they are listed under chipset drivers too...or do you just mean the main Intel chipset drivers?...meaning HECI drivers can be installed anytime at your convenience?
That's my problem..Ive already done the clean installation last week..I installed main chipsets first but did the HECI drivers after a few other drivers. graphics and wireless etc. That's why Im asking how critical it is that the HECI drivers are done at the beginning. On the Dell site on some installation guides it shows the HECI drivers towards the end so that's why I didn't install them straight away. That's why I posted to see if its going to cause me to have future problems. If so I'll have to consider starting over with a clean installation of Windows 8 again
Yeah I installed the main chipsets first. I just clicked on the Dell link you gave above. That is the installation order I used. If you look down the list it shows the HECI drivers as 13th on the list
I wouldn't stress over it to much. Nuccii is right, chip-set first, but Windows likely installed them anyway during setup. It's not like the old days when almost nothing worked and there was a long list of unknown devices in Device Manager right after a clean install. For me it was chip-set, video, audio, etc. The ones your installing manually are likely just a slightly newer version of what Windows installed by default. If you have nothing showing in device manager with a yellow ! or listed as unknown device, you should be fine.
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Cheers Nucci and Alphanumeric for your help and advice. My main chipsets weren't installed in Device Manager under Universal Serial Bus Controllers automatically during setup. According to Dell they would be if installing from a factory image but because Im installing from the Windows DVD they don't get installed in Device Manager...I had to get them from the Dell site and install them manually. I did look back in Reliability History and it looked like some version of Intel Management Engine Interface (HECI) was installed by Windows during initial setup though