'Display driver has stopped working but has recovered'


Hi, im using windows 8.1 64 bit and everytime I open Photoshop cs6 for the time after a boot I get this message 'Display driver has stopped working but has recovered', my system can handle photoshop so I know thats not the problem. My graphics card is a AMD Radeon HD 8330.
Hi there and welcome to Eight Forums,

So there seems to be at least some issues with the videocard driver. Have you tried installing the latest drivers for you motherboard aswell as the videocard?

Here you can download the latest AMD drivers ==> Download Drivers

You might also want to check for any updates for Photoshop.

Please try this and post back the results if the error still continues to bug you.


Thank you for your help, the issue has been resolved as i download the AMD catalyst driver software and it automatically detected what needed an update and now everything is running fine, even better then fine everything is running alot faster now :)
Update, it has been okay for a solid day but now the issue is back, dont know what to do when i serach for diver updates on AMD's site i can't find my grpahics card.
When i ran this tool just now it installed everything it installed yesterday again for some reason, then i reboot and photoshop will work no problem. But if i just turn on my computer and dont run the tool, and try to run photoshop i will get the error message, really weird
thankyou and I un-installed hotspot shield the last time you told me to i only recently installed it again as some sites are accessible through it which arnt normally accessible from the U.K, but ill get rid of for good.
Installed drivers and removed hotspot shield, problem is still occuring, but again if I run the tool it works fine until I turn my laptop off, it seems to me that whatever the AMD/catalyst install manager installs is just volatile and disappears when my laptop is turned off.
It could be one of your PS plugins doing it. Try temporarily removing all plugins from Photoshop then start it up and see how it goes.
Update the graphics driver manually in the device manager, rebooted, photoshop works fine ill turn the system off and on to see if the problem still occurs.
Turned system on and off, photoshop worked again, gunna test it for a day and if problems still occurs i will update this post.
There is a simple fix for this. I have tried all the TDRxxxx this and TDRxxx that, increase voltage on graphics card (which I really did not want to do) etc. My machine would have this problem just opening Outlook. I would either get the not responding error or the machine would just freeze up.

This has worked for me:

Open a command prompt as administrator:
Click start
In the search box type cmd
Right click or shift right click the cmd.exe command that appears in the programs list

At the command prompt type:

powercfg.exe /h off and hit enter (this command disables hibernation, if you want to enable again change off to on)

Close the window and reboot

You should not experience these annoying issues now. Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 have a default power scheme that is set to "balanced". Seems that this scheme may be throttling the GPU and is so frustrating. I have read loads of post in numerous forums and none of the fixes suggested worked for me.
really ty for post stevie jay, i was having a bad evening trying to resolve this issue, you save me 2 hours, and really take off me the stress , im in debt men ! if you need something i can do just tell me ! hope you read this
ty again !