Disable adding additional fingerprint.


New Member

Is there a way to disable adding more fingerprints without disabling the option? I still want to use the fingerprint scanner but prevent users from adding additional fingers for others to login. Currently, when a user login with the finger scanner, I can not prevent from adding more fingers.

thanks in advanced.
I would think a standard user could not add a new account, regular or fingerprint access controlled.

How do they do it?

I wrote a time card program using a Winbook with multiple accounts where each one can login only with the finger scanner. No one can change the password since they do not have the old password but when adding additional fingers,it does not require a password. This will allow another person to access the system and clock in and our for others.

Thanks again.
Any time clock program that is properly written, will only allow the administrator to reboot the system, add & delete users. You are going to have to do more research on this matter. The only way to restrict users, is to use a Pro Edition, and not let users get into the system when they punch in & out.
Any time clock program that is properly written, will only allow the administrator to reboot the system, add & delete users. You are going to have to do more research on this matter. The only way to restrict users, is to use a Pro Edition, and not let users get into the system when they punch in & out.

first time doing something like this..I will definitely do more research...
