Desktop or Start - When Sign in or Close apps in Windows 8

How to Go to Desktop or Start when You Sign in or Close Apps in Windows 8 and 8.1

information   Information
This tutorial will show you how to go directly to your desktop or Start screen when you sign in or close apps in Windows 8, Windows RT, Windows 8.1, and Windows RT 8.1.


To Go to Desktop when you Sign in to Windows 8

1. If you have not already, you will need to move (drag and drop) the Desktop tile to the top left corner on the Start screen like in the screenshot below.​
NOTE: By putting the Desktop tile at the top left corner of the Start screen, it will become the first tile and thus the default app that runs when you press Enter while in the Start screen.​
2. When you are in the log on screen next, type in your user account's password, and press and hold the Enter key. (see screenshot below)​
NOTE: Do not just press Enter or click on the "next" arrow as you normally would, or this will not work and you will boot to the default Start screen. Holding the Enter key at boot like this is workaround that allows Enter to pressed in the Start screen, and quickly runs the first tile (ex: desktop) on the Start screen without ever seeing the Start screen.​
3. You can now release the Enter key as the desktop quickly appears without ever seeing the Start screen. (see screenshot below)​


Go to Desktop or Start when you Sign in or Close Apps using "Taskbar and Navigation properties" in Windows 8.1

1. From your desktop, right click or press and hold on the taskbar, and click/tap on Properties. (see screenshot below)​
2. In Taskbar and Navigation properties, click/tap on the Navigation tab, and do step 3 or 4 below for what you would like to do. (see screenshot below)​
3. Go to Desktop when you Sign in or Close Apps in Windows 8.1
NOTE: This is the default setting in Windows 8.1 Update (April 8th 2014) for PCs without touchscreens.
A) Check the When I sign in or close apps on a screen, go to the desktop instead of Start box, and click/tap on OK.​
4. Go to Start when you Sign in or Close Apps in Windows 8.1
NOTE: This is the default setting in Windows 8.1, and for touchscreens in Windows 8.1 Update (April 8th 2014).​
A) Uncheck the When I sign in or close apps on a screen, go to the desktop instead of Start box, and click/tap on OK.​


Go to Desktop or Start when you Sign in or Close Apps using .REG File in Windows 8.1

Note   Note
The .reg files below are for the registry key and value below.


OpenAtLogon DWORD

0 = Open to desktop
1 = Open to Start

1. Do step 2 or 3 below for what you would like to do.​
2. Go to Start when you Sign in or Close Apps in Windows 8.1
NOTE: This is the default setting in Windows 8.1, and for touchscreens in Windows 8.1 Update (April 8th 2014).​
A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the file below, and go to step 4 below.​
3. Go to Desktop when you Sign in or Close Apps in Windows 8.1
NOTE: This is the default setting in Windows 8.1 Update (April 8th 2014) for PCs without touchscreens.
A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the file below, and go to step 4 below.​
4. Save the .reg file to your desktop.​
5. Double click/tap on the downloaded .reg file to merge it.​
6. If prompted, click/tap on Run, Yes (UAC), Yes, and OK to approve the merge.​
7. When finished, you can delete the downloaded .reg file if you like.​

That's it,



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Good one Shawn! :thumbsup:

What if we use auto login?
There also has to be something (maybe similar) that gets us to the desktop if we're using autologon enabled, but I didn't found anything yet.
Hello Hopachi,

You could still go ahead and move the Desktop tile to the top left corner of the Start screen. This way when you startup to the "Start" screen after being signed in automatically next time, you could just press Enter to then go to the Desktop. :)
Ah yes, it works!

Even even after that, anytime you press enter it goes to the desktop.

Thanks for the reply.
There are a few other solutions to this:

First, you can install a third party program. I believe most of the Start Menu replacements include the ability to boot to the desktop.

There is also an app that will set this up: Josh Cell Softwares: StartOnDesktop - The Cleanest Solution to Start on Desktop

Finally, if you don't want to install any software, then you can simply copy the Desktop.lnk file from the WinX directory to your startup folder:



C:\Users\(you)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Log off or reboot, and next log on it goes directly to the start menu.
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One question I would have about pressing and holding the enter/return key would be when not having a password, pin code, or image assigned for the automatic logon. You don't see the login screen long enough to do anything without something assigned at installation to simply boot straight up.

Solution: Press and hold enter/return key upon seeing the Windows 8 Welcome screen appear to avoid seeing the Start screen. I tried that out on the RP VM still running on VirtualBox here. But that also means you still have to be at the machine not simply clicking the power button and walking away for a few to grab a coffee in order to hold the enter key down at the right time. :D

Note ff you did assign a password, pin code, or image but saw this tutorial, you wouldn't be seeing the login screen but bypassing right to the Start screen at first sight unless pressing and holding the enter key when the Welcome screen arrives.
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Hey Night Hawk,

It really doesn't matter for timing. If you set the Desktop tile to the top left corner (1st tile), you can also press Enter at any point on the Start screen to go directly to the Desktop.

When you are on the Start screen and press Enter, it opens the first tile automatically.

When you hold down the Enter key after signing in, it's the same as pressing Enter on the Start screen, except doing it this way is a lot faster to where you the Start screen is only a quick flash before the desktop opens. :)
It was curious when going to try this out right when first starting up the 8 RP VM I still have on here and pressed and held the enter right as the Welcome screen appeared and instantly saw the desktop snap into the picture. The desktop button I always keep at the top left anyways since first installing the CP and RP builds.

It's still a good find you had there however since all too often people had asked how to get past the Start screen! Keep up the good work! ;)
There are a few other solutions to this:

First, you can install a third party program. I believe most of the Start Menu replacements include the ability to boot to the desktop.

There is also an app that will set this up: Josh Cell Softwares: StartOnDesktop - The Cleanest Solution to Start on Desktop

Finally, if you don't want to install any software, then you can simply copy the Desktop.lnk file from the WinX directory to your startup folder:



C:\Users\(you)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Log off or reboot, and next log on it goes directly to the start menu.

This one it works on me. Later I found it appears from right-bottom side of my programs start menu after I scrolled.Thanks Mystere and for this thread.

Oh i quoted wrong in a wrong thread!
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This boot directly to desktop tutorial has been updated for Windows 8.1 Preview. :)
It won't be doing me much good since the RP expired on VM already. In the recent drive wipe now I was found wasn't the main problem I was no longer with an 8 VM. I guess that leaves me out of the loop now.
It won't be doing me much good since the RP expired on VM already. In the recent drive wipe now I was found wasn't the main problem I was no longer with an 8 VM. I guess that leaves me out of the loop now.

Nar, you could do a clean install with Windows 8.1 Preview in a VM or on a blank drive if you like.
I would be looking at an 8.1 VM here to see what changes have been made in comparison to 8 itself. I just got everything back running including the ISP problem for the previous and now seem to have room for a few VMs it seems. :D
If you have not upgraded to Windows 8.1 yet.

Boot To The Desktop - For Windows 8 and 8 Pro

Make sure you have "Hide extensions for known file types" unchecked in Folder Options. Just for file verification purposes.
Re-check it afterwards if you want.

Create the "Show Desktop" file:

Open a text editor like Notepad. (not Word or Wordpad)
Copy and Paste or type the following into the text editor:


Do not have any extra spaces at the top and do not "Carriage Return" (enter) to next line at the end.

Save the file as - Show Desktop.scf (actually any name you want, just remember it)
When you see the file it will have the Desktop icon but it will not have .scf at the end even with "Hide extensions for known file types" unchecked. Right click the file and go to properties. It should have "Type of file: File Explorer Command (.scf)" and the name should be just "Show Desktop" with no extension.

Copy the file to the "Start Menu\Programs\Startup" folder.
There are more than one "Startup" folders in Windows 8 and 8 Pro. Put it in this one:

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Close everything down. Restart your computer.

When it boots up, it will pause at the "Start" screen until it reads the contents of Startup.
It will then go to the Desktop with nothing opened up.

Side note: If you want something to open automatically when you boot up, put it in this same Startup folder after Show Desktop.
Hello Brink,

I tried your Show Desktop link to replace the Show Desktop file in my post.
It did not work to boot to Desktop on Restart.

The thing is that your Shortcut is a (.lnk) which is a true shortcut. It has to be clicked on like a button. My post uses the old "Show Desktop" from Windows XP which is a Windows/File Explorer Command not a Shortcut. (.scf)

I originally copied it from WinXP into Windows 8 and it worked. I deleted it because at the time I did not know if in it there was some weird WinXP coding that might mess up Windows 8.

I found the document that I had saved a long time ago that showed how to create the "Show Desktop" command.

I had found an article using the Task Scheduler but I could not get it to work with this Command. Then I figured out that it might be possible to use the Startup folder and Voila it worked.

Hope this helps.