Edit: I just logged in with a deleted user with the desktop computer disconnected from the server. Then I reconnected to the server and now! the deleted user is being rejected. Perhaps I had some sort of timing/latency issue with the server that has now resolved itself? I won't get another shot at this until next week, hopefully then I will be able to confirm success.
Regardless, if anyone has any insights into this issue, I would love to hear them. I considered myself an expert/power user in Thru Windows 95, but never came close to being a "network guy" or system admin. I have been forced into being the "network admin" of a small school the DR because no one here knows anything about Windows/computers.
I am trying to delete a few users from several Windows 8 desktops in a Windows Server 2012 network.
Yet after various reboots and whether I attempt with the desktop connected or not connected to the server, the user. still. logs. in. without any problem (although I do get the "Preparing Windows" on login.... however:
One last thing that it just occurred to me to try is to remove the desktop from the network and see if that makes a different. But beyond that, I am stumped. Help!
Regardless, if anyone has any insights into this issue, I would love to hear them. I considered myself an expert/power user in Thru Windows 95, but never came close to being a "network guy" or system admin. I have been forced into being the "network admin" of a small school the DR because no one here knows anything about Windows/computers.
I am trying to delete a few users from several Windows 8 desktops in a Windows Server 2012 network.
- I have deleted the users on the Windows Server 2012 machine (in Active Directory)
- I have deleted the users Control Panel in Windows 8 on the local machines (where they appear as users - on some of the computers, the users did not appear as users)
- I have manually deleted the user directories (c:\users\...) which did all exist
- I have traversed the registry deleting every occurrence of the user as well as every occurrence of the user sid (with the exception of under ...uninstalled apps... which threw the "you do not have access" error)
Yet after various reboots and whether I attempt with the desktop connected or not connected to the server, the user. still. logs. in. without any problem (although I do get the "Preparing Windows" on login.... however:
- unlike "normal "Preparing Windows", it is very fast and it does not give the "move the mouse to the corner routine
- it does not result in the default Windows Home Screen that I get when I truly do create a new account).
- it does not recreate c:\users\account folder
One last thing that it just occurred to me to try is to remove the desktop from the network and see if that makes a different. But beyond that, I am stumped. Help!
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