Custom Made Signatures and Avatars

See you just gotta zoom about 400-500% then you can see it clearly :p
Let me tell you...I would have never noticed that...thanks guys for fixing it!

BTW Nice eye diewas and maybe you should submit this flag to the Windows 8 Logo Contest...I really like it and I could see it being apart of their logo (as they bring more of the OS into 3D...I hope)
Lol - I wasn't even the one who first spotted it. I didn't notice it until it was pointed out to me. I am a bit of a perfectionist so I had to correct it, even if it was a tiny problem ;)
Here is an 8 orb :)

Or maybe something out of an orb design but an windows 7 logo =)

Hey sergiogarcia9, mind doing my sig for eightforums please. Same as the 1 for 7forums, just change the 7 to 8. Thanks mate!