Change background color of windows
I want to create my own theme because I cannot find what I want on the internet.
I run server 2012 r2 but it does not matter.
I like the theme ''windows basic'', but I only want a darker background color so that I do not burn my eyes .
I want no sounds, no wallpapers. I must use aero.
THe thing is that I tried to alter the ''high contrast theme'', but they do not work well with firefox [there is a problem with black context menu, even with the setting here] and IE.
I tried this theme Windows classic theme for Windows 8 RTM, 8.1, 10
Windows classic theme for Windows 8 RTM, 8.1, 10 by kizo2703 on DeviantArt but it has the bug too. THe theme hc-midnight-v033 has the bug too.
for instance, there is a famous bug with server 2012 r2 and the fix fails on my system, Fix: Corrupt Windows 2012 RDS Basic Color Scheme
I have found a program ''msstyleEditor'' but I do not know how to use it.
I already have the colors of the ''windows XP classic theme''
I want to create my own theme because I cannot find what I want on the internet.
I run server 2012 r2 but it does not matter.
I like the theme ''windows basic'', but I only want a darker background color so that I do not burn my eyes .
I want no sounds, no wallpapers. I must use aero.
THe thing is that I tried to alter the ''high contrast theme'', but they do not work well with firefox [there is a problem with black context menu, even with the setting here] and IE.
I tried this theme Windows classic theme for Windows 8 RTM, 8.1, 10
Windows classic theme for Windows 8 RTM, 8.1, 10 by kizo2703 on DeviantArt but it has the bug too. THe theme hc-midnight-v033 has the bug too.
for instance, there is a famous bug with server 2012 r2 and the fix fails on my system, Fix: Corrupt Windows 2012 RDS Basic Color Scheme
I have found a program ''msstyleEditor'' but I do not know how to use it.
I already have the colors of the ''windows XP classic theme''
[Control Panel\Colors]
Scrollbar=212 208 200
Background=58 110 165
ActiveTitle=10 36 106
InactiveTitle=128 128 128
Menu=212 208 200
Window=231 230 226
WindowFrame=0 0 0
MenuText=0 0 0
WindowText=0 0 0
TitleText=255 255 255
ActiveBorder=212 208 200
InactiveBorder=212 208 200
AppWorkspace=128 128 128
Hilight=128 128 192
HilightText=255 255 255
ButtonFace=227 225 219
ButtonShadow=128 128 128
GrayText=128 128 128
ButtonText=0 0 0
InactiveTitleText=212 208 200
ButtonHilight=255 255 255
ButtonDkShadow=64 64 64
ButtonLight=212 208 200
InfoText=0 0 0
InfoWindow=255 255 225
ButtonAlternateFace=181 181 181
HotTrackingColor=0 0 128
GradientActiveTitle=166 202 240
GradientInactiveTitle=192 192 192
MenuHilight=10 36 106
MenuBar=212 208 200
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My Computer
System One
- OS
- server 2012r2