Corsair case help needed


New Member
I recently got a new Corsair Carbide 500R White case to replace a NZXT Tempest EVO, which the power switch jammed on and a front panel wire came off of. THE 500R's front panel wiring and fan connector's I could use some help with.The case's front panel power switch has power sw printed on it.The reset switch, hdd led and power led all have nothing printed on them.Also, which fan connector goes where [3 3 pin connectors.The top one is maybe 2-3 inches long The bottom one seems to fit the 200mm. side panel's fan.The middle one Iassume connets to the mobo.Thts how Ihave them now.Top oe unhooked, middle to mobo and bottom to side panel fan.Corsair's documentation stinks and is basically just a parts list.I'm not getting my pc to work. Not even using the mobo's power or reset button's. I've also tried my spare TX750 psu and still nothing my mobo speaker also meled while using zx1250w psu.Any help is appreciatedCorsair's forums told me tofill out a rma for the cas.I've tried that over 15 timesand it obviously doesn't work through i.e. on my xbox 360.I've also tried emaing them through gmail and outllook on the 360.Gmail doesn-t do worked and I received a confirmation.Haven't heard anything else from HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED.P.S.Upgrading toCrosshair V Formula-z mobo next month.EVERYTHING WORKED IN OLD CASE UNTIL BUTTON JAMMED.
Yeah. They don't give you a manual, just a QSG (quick start guide).

According to a review online, three of the fans are supposed to connect to the fan speed controller. The fan speed controller may get its power from an (old style) 4 pin Molex connector.

I trust that you have the 4 pin CPU power connector installed.

If you can't start the PC using the start button on the motherboard, something must be seriously wrong. An RMA may be your only choice.

Too bad that no 500R owners saw fit to post. I'm not sure how much help they would have been from the information in your post, but they might be able to do better than me.
Yeah.Ihave eveything wired.Case definitely doesn't work and Corsair nedd's to rma it.After 4 days of waiting, I finally received a email from RAMGUY at Corsair.All he did was sent me a b.s. link they have of a 400R case working with all parts already installed.He also stated he'd never heard of a Corsar case's reset switch, hdd led and power led wires without anything printed on them.GEE IF STUPID WOULD'VE GIVEN ME THE REQUESTED RMA.HE COULD'VE SEEN IT FIRST HAND.When he read's my reply in 4 day's, he'll realize that I mean business.The U.S. Better Business Bureau, ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, Headline News,Fox News, Maximum PC, PC Magazine, PC World, CPU Magazine, Windows the Official Magazine and Smart Computing were all already notified, at the time, he should've given me a rma and a working case.I'm really sick of these companie's that take our mony and run when it's time to support their defective product's.Either way, they've lost a customer and I WILL SEE TO IT THEY EITHER GIVE ME A WORKING CARBIDE 500R WHITE CASE OR A FULL REFUND.
Hi brkkab123

I recently built a new system into a Corsair Carbide 400R case. Agreed the instructions are non-existent, but I got it together OK, managing to connect all the front panel leads as well and, from my recollection, they were all marked appropriately (as otherwise, I wouldn't have had a clue).

I have two front panel fans which came already connected to a 4-pin molex with twin fan connector leads. The one other, rear panel, fan I connected to a set of system fan pins on the mobo near the CPU power socket.
I also bought and connected, a second-hand system (post) speaker which works fine. I have a Seasonic X-Series 850W psu and a Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UD5H mobo.

I regret I can't assist with your other issues.
I have a Carbide 500R case. The cables from the front panel fan controller are confusing. I don't have the correspondence from Corsair Tech Support on them, but contact support as I had good luck getting fast responses. The fan controller on mine was defective and they sent a replacement front panel assembly (fixed the problem).

Other than the fan cabling there is nothing special about the case wiring. The instructions that came with the case were adequate for connecting everything.
That's the problem my 500R's front panel wire's.The only wire that says what is on the end that plugs into the mobo. is the Power Switch.The Reset Switch,HDD Led and PowerLed are missing the white printing on them.I emailed Corsair's RMA Service 5 day's ago.Ifinally heard from RamGuy yesterday.He didn't give me a RMA number or mention Corsair replacing anything.Ahe sad was he couldn't beleive those plastic plugins don't have any white labelling on them.Iknow the 2 single wire one's are the Power Led's, but with Corsair's stupid use off all black wire's, I'm not going to play quessing game's and fry all my part's.Seeing as they did nothing to help me.They've lost a customer can deal with the Better Business Bureau.
Pedro-The 400Ris a little different from the 500R.The 500Rhas a built-in 4 channel fan controller.The 400Rdoesn't.The 500R also come's with a 200mm. side-panel fan.The case and Corsair's website has no documentation about the fan controller.On the outside of the case there is a button that turn-s the front 2 & side panel fans led's off.There's also a 3 speed switch for fan speed control.Both are located to the right of the case's front panelfirewire port.We have 4 fan wires The short top right one I assume is for a top panel fan.I've got a HydroH100there and it's fans plugs into the cpu block.Then we have a fan wire on the middle right side.That one has to plug in the mobo. near the sata connectors.Then we have weird ending fan wire towards the bottom right.It locks into the side panel fan perfectly.Then we have molex cable on the top right for thens led's that plugs in a psu molex.Last the rear exhaust fan plugs into the mobo's top left fan header.
Hi Keith, yes the 500R is indeed rather different to my 400R. Just wondering if it would be possible for you to take close up photos of your front panel lead ends and email them to Corsair as evidence of your problem.
I can dig through the wiring on my case if you still want to use the 500R case.

Mine has been up running since August 2012. Working good as I'm using mine on my recording studio PC and it has to be quiet. The only thing I've changed is the noisy OEM fans on my H80 liquid cooler (replaced with "quiet" fans).
I can only take photo's with my webcam.It needs the pc to work.I think the issue with Corsair may be solved in a few hour's.I've received 2 email's from Corsair since lunchtime.I think he finally realize's the issue.
Hi Keith, yes the 500R is indeed rather different to my 400R. Just wondering if it would be possible for you to take close up photos of your front panel lead ends and email them to Corsair as evidence of your problem.
Yes, if you could that would be terrific.On my mobo the top 2 are for power led {left +,r-},top right power switch {l + r-},bottom left hdd led {l + r -and bottom right reset switch {l - r + }.If you tell me according to your case and motherboard if a)the top side of the f/p mobo connecto} r wires that have the white labelling on them.If left is + or -.2)If the the hdd led is on the left side on the bottom set of the dual 2 pin connectors which has the white lettering printed on it.I'm almost positive the power led's are on the topset,as those 2 are individual 1 pinners and the power switch has the name on it is on the right side of those 4 which are factory taped together.
I can dig through the wiring on my case if you still want to use the 500R case.

Mine has been up running since August 2012. Working good as I'm using mine on my recording studio PC and it has to be quiet. The only thing I've changed is the noisy OEM fans on my H80 liquid cooler (replaced with "quiet" fans).
I'll go through mine this morning and list what I have.

I never had any problems with the front panel connections (e.g. LED's, switches, etc) to the motherboard (Gigabyte GAZ77X UD5H). The problem I had was the wiring for the fan/fan control.

What you need is Corsair sku # CC-8930017. I have a 400R and when I purchased it one of the USB3 ports was dead and the first time they sent a replacement panel it was the wrong unit. I was going to send it back but they told me to keep it and replaced it with the correct part for my 400R. If Corsair is slow to respond send me a PM and I'll give you this one.

Here you can see how I replaced mine.
Replacing the front I/O panel on a Carbide 400R - The Corsair Support Forums
My Gigabyte motherboard's front panel connections are not the same as yours. Thus whether I have plus on the right side or left side doesn't correlate with yours.

A comment on my Corsair case. I recently built a second system using a Cooler Master HAF932 Advanced case. That case is a little taller and won't fit where I have the Corsair case mounted or I would swap the cases. I like the HAF932 much better, and it went together easier and no defective parts like I had with the Corsair.
Yeah my case is a Corsair product control issue.It shouldn't have been shipped anywhere without anything printed on all of the front panel connector's.Out of 13 email's with Ram Guy from Corsair, I still don't have an rma for the case or it'i/o panel.
I'll go through mine this morning and list what I have.

I never had any problems with the front panel connections (e.g. LED's, switches, etc) to the motherboard (Gigabyte GAZ77X UD5H). The problem I had was the wiring for the fan/fan control.

So by the look of it.The one I thought was HDD Led is actually Reset Sitch.Reset Switch is actually HDD Led and both go on my mobo with where the labelling should've been, at the botom.Thanks, I'll give that a try in a bit.
What you need is Corsair sku # CC-8930017. I have a 400R and when I purchased it one of the USB3 ports was dead and the first time they sent a replacement panel it was the wrong unit. I was going to send it back but they told me to keep it and replaced it with the correct part for my 400R. If Corsair is slow to respond send me a PM and I'll give you this one.

Here you can see how I replaced mine.
Replacing the front I/O panel on a Carbide 400R - The Corsair Support Forums
It's now finally appearing that I received a defective case. All my part's work outside the case. Now I'm just waiting to here back from Corsair's RamGuy as their rma process won't run properly in my Xbox 360's version of I.E. No plugins/addons can be used in it. I may be getting a used Acer notebook w/W7HP in 2 weeks if they still have it. Either way hopefully I'll have my current desktop working by mid-May. After that's running, I only have 3 more upgrades for it. 1. 250-256 gb. ssd 2. 3 tb. Seagate Barracuda and 3. GTX 660ti or GTX 770.
Corsair seems to be good with their warranty service, although parts shouldn't "break" or be messed up to start with. As I noted I had an initial problem with my 500R case - the speed switch for the front panel fan did not work. Corsair sent a new front panel assembly which fixed the fan speed issue.

Three weeks ago, with 9 month old case, one of the two USB ports on the front panel quit working (it was the least used port). After troubleshooting the problem was isolated to the front panel port (or cabling). I contacted Corsair through their on-line form and they immediately issued a RMA for another new front panel. The case is not a year old yet and two problem front panel assemblies.

I had it with the Corsair case problems, and last week replaced it with a Coolermaster HAF XM case from newegg. I'm going to use the Corsair 500R case for another project and with the new front panel assembly where its going should not be an issue.
Actually this is after Corsair replaced the case's front i/o panel wiring. I don't think I'll ever buy another Corsair case again. Also, they don't mention anywher on their site that their case's that come with a fan-controller, are propriety. This mean's it only works with the stock fan's that come with the case. Their own after-market fan's won't work with it. Yes their pre-installed fan's are 3 pin fan's like other's, but they're wired differenly than any other fan. The only normal fan is the rear exhaust fan, which will work on any mobo. or after market fan controller's fan header.
What you need is Corsair sku # CC-8930017. I have a 400R and when I purchased it one of the USB3 ports was dead and the first time they sent a replacement panel it was the wrong unit. I was going to send it back but they told me to keep it and replaced it with the correct part for my 400R. If Corsair is slow to respond send me a PM and I'll give you this one.

Here you can see how I replaced mine.
Replacing the front I/O panel on a Carbide 400R - The Corsair Support Forums
By chance, do you still have this??