Classic Shell for Windows 8

Shift+click Stopped Working

I don't mean to post duplicate threads, but I am a newbie to this Board and didn't notice this section before I posted in General Support.

For some unknown reason, after cancelling the start of an App on the Windows Start Screen, the Shift+click function in Classic Shell has stopped working. I am running Windows 8 Pro 64 bit. I had Shift+click set to Windows Start Screen. If I now change that setting, nothing happens, i.e Shift+click still does not respond. I have run Classic Shell Repair to no avail. I don't want to uninstall/reinstall Classic Shell because of the considerable time I have spent organizing my program folders.

Any suggestions on how to solve this problem? Thanks in advance.
Shift+click Stopped Working

I have run Classic Shell Repair again and this time it corrected the problem. I ran Ace Utilities Registry Cleaner before trying Repair again, and this might have had something to do with it.

In any case, thank you for your assistance. Classic Shell has really made converting to Windows 8 so much easier, particularly having come from XP.
Strange, it's not fitting. I tried 24x24, 32x32 and 48x48 bitmaps.

Any ideas?

Captura de Tela (2).png
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Hi there
What's the basic difference between Classic shell and simply using custom toolbars

Here's my Custom toolbar for most of the stuff I run -- so I can't really see the need for this program any more (although a great idea though until custom toolbars did the job simply and without having to fiddle anything in the OS).

I'm certainly not against anybody developing things but in this case it seems the standard Windows 8 stuff can now provide most of what classic shell can provide.



  • menu.png
    159.6 KB · Views: 163
It is very different. Try it yourself and see. Introducing WinAero’s exclusive Skin Pack for Classic Shell | Winaero is excellent. It makes 8 usable.

MS seem to have grasped a desktop is not a phone. The win+x menu accessed via the start button indicates that.MS could make 8 less ridiculous by improving the win+x menu.

Classic shell is not just an all programs list. It is much more than that. All programs is the least important thing imo.
Strange, it's not fitting. I tried 24x24, 32x32 and 48x48 bitmaps.

Any ideas?

Your image must have 3 separate states - normal, hot, and pressed. So if the button is 24x24 the image must be 24x72.