Solved Cipher command runs on drives that aren't mounted


New Member
Hi EightForum,

I regularly run the cipher command to securely delete files.

Last time I used it I accidentally typed the drive incorrectly, but it still ran. Even though there was no drive mounted at the specified location. No error message.

In the screenshot I'm running it on the 'Q' drive, but there is definitely no drive mounted at Q. Anyone know what it's doing?

Many thanks,

If there is no Q: drive, then it looks like a bug in the program -- it got started, but it didn't know what to do, because there is no Q: drive. It may be waiting on some input or looking for some data to delete. I would hit <CTRL>-C to break out of the command.
Thanks for the Help Phelps :) I'm able to repeat the error without fail so if it's a bug on a system command I wonder if the iso I installed from has a small corruption?

Also wonder if the command did a proper job deleting files from drives that were mounted in the past? I use SDelete too so not that worried.

Thanks again,